Cursed: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I stutter blankly, forcing Nene to repeat her question with even more emphasis.

“What. The. HELL. Just. Happened?!”

I whisper under my breath, looking at the places where the creatures turned to ash, “I-I don't know.”

“Well WHAT were they?!” Nene demands.

I look at her sternly, “I DON'T KNOW!”

Nene runs her hands through her hair nervously, “They...they weren't HUMAN, Carwen!”

I nod slowly, “I know...I know...but then...w-what were they?”

Nene nods, and then slowly her eyes grow wider as her finger points directly at me, “And h-how did you know how to k-kill them?”

I take in a shaky breath, “I don't know...” I crumble to the ground, staring at my hands and shaking, “It felt...n-natural. Almost easy-easy...if that's the right word.”

“I seriously doubt it is,” Nene quips without thinking, making us both laugh for a few seconds before falling back into our somber silence.

“Well...w-we should get away from this place,” Nene states while walking towards her horse.

“I need to research this. My f-family must have some-something...” I wonder out loud.

Nene's eyebrows raise, “Whhhhhyyyyy would they have something on this stuff?”

My eyes fly up to Nene's in shock, openly gaping before putting my head in my hands, “Oh crap...I can't...I can't believe I just said that!”

Nene rushes over to me, smacking me upside the head, “You need to tell me now! I'M involved now and THAT'S what friends do!”

I look up at her slowly with a sad, surprised smile, “You s-still consider me your...friend?”

She smiles wryly, “ didn't let me die, so...yeah. Quite a bit, actually.”

“I still consider you my friend too,” I admit quietly.

Nene sits down next to me, “Good, so then talk to me.”

I sigh and take a deep breath, finally making eye contact with Nene after I spend a few seconds staring at either the ground or the stars, which in that moment, seems to take up way more time than it actually does. “My family and I are...w-witches,” and I quickly stop to interject, “And before you roll your eyes and think I'm crazy, it's true!”

Nene lays back on the ground, “That would explain how you did the stuff you...did...r-right?”

I shake my head slowly, “Only...On-only some of it, like the moving things and stuff. B-but...I don't know how I knew how to fight or kill them suddenly.”

“Or how you could actually hurt them when you hit them?” Nene adds questioningly.

I nod, “Exactly...I wonder...”

Nene sits up, “Wonder what?”

I gingerly touch my chest, hearing the words that the man told me all over again like a song in my head that I can't forget. Curse, curse, curse.

“Curse,” I whisper out.

“Curse?” Nene repeats, confused.

“ see, there's a...SMALL chance I'm...cursed,” I say slowly.

Nene raises her eyebrows again, “A small chance?”

I pull the neckline of my shirt down to show her the mark, “Maybe a bit...bigger than that, honestly.”

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