Cursed: Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Now while it's clearly evident that something is wrong, Nene doesn't press me to talk about it when I get to her house. Once I get there she actually makes me breakfast, and even though we eat it in silence, it isn't awkward at all. She doesn't watch me cautiously, waiting for the moment where I try to jump off some cliff, but instead she's just there...making me feel that if I did decide to jump, she'd jump too. It's strange, but I find it comforting because it makes me feel like I'm not alone.

Which is exactly what I need.

Her mother takes us to school, and then the day goes about the same as they always do, except that all of my teachers feel that today is the day that they should call on me for everything. Now I know the answers to their questions, so that isn't the problem. The problem is it's just hard to put my answers into words because's one of those days where it's difficult to put ANYTHING into words. I want to blend in for the time being, and having the spotlight directly on me rattles my cage a bit more than I think my teachers intended on doing.

At the end of our last period Nene and I go to our lockers before she finally breaks the silence to actually ask me something that I have to respond to. It isn't a question that puts the spotlight on me though, but it is a question that has to be asked out of necessity. It's also something I can finally stomach.

“Are you coming back to my place?” Nene asks quietly as she shoves her books into her bag.

I shrug just as my brother walks up to me and hugs me, “How are you doing, Carwen?” Caleb asks before nodding awkwardly and quickly in Nene's direction.

I look up at him with big eyes screaming the obvious without actually answering the obvious, “I'm going back to Nene's house.”

Caleb nods thoughtfully, “I understand, but...he's staying until he can talk to you, ya know that right?”

I shrug again, “It might be a while...” Then I blanch and turn quickly to Nene, “If that's okay with you...I-I...I didn't really ask.”

Nene laughs and throws her backpack over one shoulder, “It's not a problem at all. My mother thinks it's about time, seeing as I spend sooooo much time at your house. Besides,” she adds coyly, “I could use some help on my Chemistry that right there gives you a legitimate reason to stay over.”

I smile gratefully to her, and then turn to my brother, “Well you heard her, I'm needed there.”

Caleb pulls me into a hug again and whispers in my ear, “Don't forget that you are needed at home too.” Then, he pulls away before adding, “He's really sorry, and he honestly hasn't stopped talking about it since he arrived, but I...I understand why you need your space. So does Mom and Dad too. Look, I'll drop some of your stuff over at Nene's later today so you don't have to see him until you're totally ready to.”

I smile tenderly, feeling tears climb into my eyes before I shake them away and wave at him as I begin to walk towards the parking lot with Nene, who had just gotten a phone call from her mother telling her that she's there to pick her up. Once we get to the car, we both quickly begin to act as if nothing had happened and that nothing was wrong. Without wasting a second once we get back to Nene's place, we both go up to Nene's room to drop off our stuff. I somehow find myself just sitting on her bed like a robot, looking up at her and preparing myself on how to explain to her what happened that had made me so upset.

“Sooooo, Carter showed up at our house this morning,” I state blankly.

“That's...your ex, right?” Nene asks absently as she sits on her bed next to me before giving me her full attention.

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