Cursed: Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

My brother and I openly gape, and then cry out in unison, “YOU KNOW HER?!”

My father awkwardly nods and breaks out of Daisy's embrace. “It's a...looooonnnnng story, to be completely honest,” my father admits while nervously laughing. Clearly attempting to end the conversation.

“We used to date,” Daisy blurts out, earning an eye roll from Asher.

Carter laughs and congratulates my father until my icy glare silences him, while my brother, remains completely dumbfounded and just keeps looking between Dad and Daisy. Words obviously can't come to him though, and not for lack of trying. Yet, opening and closing his mouth is as close as Caleb can get to asking his question.

“H-how long ago did you guys date?” I ask, voicing my brother's question and staring at Daisy intently with wonder. I suppose she's pretty. If being slutty is a version of pretty, and TRUTHFULLY...I thought my father had better taste than...this. I mean, he married my mom!

“Before your mother,” my father assures, trying to create as much distance between himself and Daisy now.

“Why...haven't you ever told me about her?” my mother asks quietly, shoving so much tension into the air that it feels like the whole world's about to collapse.

My heart instantly shatters the second I look at my mother, who's obviously distraught. Tears are already forming in her eyes and ever part of her face screams the exact same thing to my father; you lied to me. “Tell me,” my mother says, shaking and stepping towards my father.

Daisy confidently walks up to my mother and smiles, separating her from my father, “Probably for TWO reasons, dear. The first being that I'm a vampire and our relationship was in nooooo way a holy one, and the second being that he found YOU conveniently two weeks after I left him.”

My mother gasps and backs away, but my father pushes past Daisy to rush towards her, “That's only partially true, dear! I wanted to move onto a healthy relationship, and her leaving was a...was a SIGN for me to finally find one.”

“But...she left you only weeks before we met,” my mother repeats, looking at my father and already beginning to cry. “I-I was your rebound?! From a VAMPIRE, no less!”

“She left me because her sire summoned her,” my father exclaims, causing Asher's face to look like he wants to disappear off the face of the Earth in that instant.

“I kept looking out for you, though,” Daisy whispers. “I couldn't let you go completely. I made sure you were always safe...and happy.”

“But you left me, bottom line, Daisy,” my father points out.

“Chris...” she begs.

“Don't you t-talk to my husband!” my mother yells, shocking Caleb and I. We had NEVER seen mom yell like that...or like ever, really. “WE have a life together now, and you can't touch that!”

“And you, woman,” Daisy spits out, “Can't touch what we had. That's why he found my doppelganger to start a family with.”

My mother sobs and holds her hands to her face, shaking, “How could you have never told me this, Christopher? I'm n-not like this! I don't freak out over stuff like this! I thought...I was better than this, but it isn't fair to spring something like THIS on me! I thought we told each other everything, but is this what you want?!”

“No, no, no, Carrie-Anne! I love you JUST the way you are! Our love is different from what Daisy and I felt,” my father reassures, trying to comfort my mother despite her pushing away from him.

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