Chapter 2

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Louis P.O.V.:
It has been five years. Five years since we have been searching for the perfect Little or Littles to make our lives complete. It has been five years since we all got together to be Daddies together. Liam, Zayn, Niall, and I have been together for ten years and searching for a Little for five years. We go to visit Littles at care homes, adoption centers, and families who need a caregiver, but none of them click just right with us. Oh well, we will find our match! I need to stop day dreaming about Little though and get to work! I work at a little bakery in town that my mother used to own. She used to give away treats to all of the kids who came into the store, but she went into debt and had to stop doing that. I took over the failing business and got it back out of debt. I started selling more things like coffees, teas, hot chocolates, and more individual treats rather than the dozens and loaves. I still sell those things, but the coffee shop is helping pay the bills. We make a lot more money than people think, but I still keep the shop the way mom had designed it because this was her dream. Oh well, another long day of work here I come!

Liam P.O.V.:
Five years I have been with the loves of my life! Yes, I have three boyfriends, but we don't care what people think about us because we are happy with each other. Anyways, we are all Daddies looking for our Little one or ones. We don't know what we are looking for, but we keep an open mind for all of them so we don't get our hopes up on a boy or girl and get the other and be disappointed. I have to go to work today. I work as a nurse at a hospital for Littles. I never wanted to be doctor, because they have to be in all of the time, where as a nurse, I can take time off and I can work hours that I like and will work when I have a family. I really want to find out Little soon because a Dom is never truly happy until they find a Little to care for. I am happy with my boys, but I want a Little boy or girl to take care of. Well, maybe today is the day I find one that we all like!

Zayn P.O.V.:
You know how they say once you find your love that it feels like forever. They are right, it feels like I have been with my loves forever, when in all actuality it has only been five years. Five years, that have been the best if my life. We all met in our last year of high school when we were all eighteen. Eighteen is a special time for everyone. You are classified at ten and if you are a Dom, you can adopt a Little at eighteen when you graduate high school! We decided to date that year when Niall turned eighteen and we have been together ever since! We have been looking forever since graduation to find our perfect Little. I mean, Louis owns a bakery, Liam is a nurse, Niall is a waiter at Louis bakery, and I am an art teacher at the high school in town. I mean, we are all around kids all of the time! How hard can it be to find a family who is looking to have their Little adopted by a family like ours! Between Louis and Liam alone, we make plenty of money to spoil our Little [or Littles] rotten! We would never let them get rotten, but you know what I mean. Today is going to be hard. We had our five year anniversary last week, but all of us have been touchy around each other a little more lately. We still most defiantly love each other, but when you put a bunch of Doms together without a Little, life gets tough. I really want a tiny baby who I can cuddle with after a long day with kids who only want an art credit and aren't actually interested in such a wonderful subject. Anyways, aside from my love of art, I really need a baby in my life to be sane. It gets harder and harder to stay home on Saturdays and Sundays off from school without much of anything to do. Our Little one would never ever be lonely because we have time of the week off at different times, and we are all at home by dinner. Louis' "weekend" is Monday and Tuesday. Liam's "weekend" is Wednesday and Thursday usually. Niall's "weekend" is usually Fridays and whatever day Liam can't make it. And mine is pretty obvious, Saturdays and Sundays. Well, today is Saturday, so now it's time for another long and boring weekend.

Niall P.O.V.:
I cannot take it anymore! I don't care that I have been with my boys for five years. We need a Little in this house and I will make sure that today is the day! I don't have work today, so I told Zayn that I am going for a walk. He wanted to stay and wait for something to happen, but I can't wait anymore. I love working, but without a Little to come home to, who cares what I have at home. Don't get me wrong I love my boys, but I need a Little boy to come home to. Anyways, I decided to go visit Louis on my walk. I decided to take the long way through the alley behind the shop. I was waking down the alley, when I heard a tiny voice crying. I looked down, and here was this Little boy bawling his eyes out. I bent down and was trying to comfort him, but he screamed and tried to back up into the wall. As I was trying to comfort him, another boy who looked just like this boy, came running down the alley yelling "Harry." He jumped in front of who I assume is Harry, saying "don't touch him. He never did anything to you, so why would you try to hurt him?"
I carefully tried to explain to him what I was trying to do.
"I was not going to hurt him. I was waking to the bakery here when I heard him crying. I am a Daddy Dom and when I hear Little boys crying, I only want to help them not feel so sad. So, what can I do to help you boys feel better?"
"Well, we aren't nessisarly Littles sir. We haven't been tested yet. We live here and we can't pay to be tested."
I feel so bad for him! What kind of parents throw their kids out on the street before they have been classified? I know I was planning on visiting Louis, but I can just feel that these boys are Littles and should really be tested, hopefully Liam can help with that.
"Well, my boyfriend might be able to help with your testing if you would like. He works with Littles all day and I can just feel that you nigh are going to be Littles."
"Well, that would be nice to be tested, but we can't accept that. That is way to much money to spend on us. I don't even know if you will want us after that. And we haven't had a bath for a long time, so I don't want people to think you aren't taking are of us. A-and Harry gets really scared around new people, so I don't want you to feel bad." He tried to explain all of this to me like he and Harry were burdens to me. I could only smile sadly at him. He really needs help. Wait, I don't even know this kid's name yet!
"Well little guy, maybe what we can do is grab a snack from this bakery and go get tested. But first, can you tell me your name?"
"I'm Marcel and this is my brother Harry." He turned to his brother and did like this thing where he talked to him with his eyes. "And about the food, that sounds really good. We haven't eaten in about two weeks."
"Well that isn't good. I am Niall and how about we visit my other boyfriend who owns this bakery and get a snack, then we can get you tested, and then I can take you home with me and you can both have a bath and some nice food before you can sleep in a nice cozy bed for the night. How's that sound Marcel and Harry?"
Harry squealed and started clapping his hands while Marcel was a little more hesitant, but none the less nodded his head. If these boys aren't Littles I may scream at the classifiers to be retested.
"Well boys, lets get some food into those tummies!"
This is going to be a great day, I can just feel it!

Word Count: 1529

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