Chapter 5

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Zayn P.O.V.:
Some days I love my job, other days I hate it. Teenagers are some of the weirdest people on earth! I wish when I go home I could just cuddle my baby and just let all of my stress melt away. Only two minutes left and I can go home for the weekend as long as no students come in for help. One minute left until leave time. Just as the clock is about to signal 3:30, my phone starts ringing. Of course it does, only to me. I go to grab my phone and answer it without checking whose calling me, "Hello, Mister Malik speaking."
"Hey Zaynie," my boyfriend Liam starts.
"Hey Li."
"Can you go home and get a child-friendly snack ready and get some milk in two sippy cups please? We have a surprise for you when we get home, but we need your help getting ready."
"What have you done now Liam. I really hope you aren't playing another joke on me."
"I promise you Zayn, this is no joke. I would explain, but I have to help Louis and Niall do a little bit of shopping for the boys. Bye Zaynie, love you MWAH!"
And with that, he hung up. Oh well, it's five minutes past quitting time anyways, I may as well go home and get a snack and some sippies ready. I really hope that whoever Liam, Louis, and Niall bring home likes apples and grapes. That should be an okay snack for little boys. Wait, Liam said the boys, those nut cases might be bringing home a couple of Littles for me to meet. I really hope they do! I really want a Little or two to care for and love! Time for Chef Zaynie to get snack ready for my potential Littles!

Louis P.O.V.:
These boys need at least some new clothes and shoes before we go home. We also need to get some basic changing supplies incase they need nappies for their Little Space. I, once agin, was carrying Harry and Liam was carrying Marcel to the store. We got there and figured it would be easier to get a cart with two seats for Littles because then we could put shoes on for them and they wouldn't get worn out from walking all over. We first went to get them both a new pair of shoes because Harry didn't have any and Marcel's didn't look to comfortable since they were falling apart. I picked up Harry and had him put his feet on the kids sizing mat for shoes. He was a kids 9. Then Marcel did his feet and guess what, he was a kids 9 as well. That makes life easier for us. I took Harry and Liam took Marcel to get shoes while Niall went to go get coats, nappies, baby powder, wipes, and rash cream. I don't think Harry knew how to try on shoes; he kept putting one on and then immediately taking it off. I tried to explain it to him.
"Harry," I started, "you need to see what kind of shoe you like so your feet can feel nice when you are walking. I need you to look at these shoes and try them on and see what feels nice to you. You can have any pair that you want baby."
He looked at me and then he looked at the shoes I had laid out. Then, he looked at my shoes and pointed to them.
"Harry, would you like a pair of shoes like mine?"
He started nodding his head and I couldn't help, but start to chuckle at him. I swooped him up into my arms and told him, "Well then, I suppose we must go find you a pair of Vans then, huh baby?"
He started smiling at me and nodded his head again. I went to tell Li and Marcel what we were going to do. We found them boxing up a pair of Adidas, "Hey Li, this one wants shoes like mine so we're going to find him some in his size."
"Ok Lou, I'll take Marcel to start getting some clothes," he responded.
We headed off to the Vans section and I found a pair of black and white checked Vans in his size. He put them on and started walking around a little bit. He turned to me and started smiling, then he ran to me and have me the biggest hug he could manage. I asked him, "do those feel good little one?"
He started smiling at me and nodded his head. Then he did something I was not expecting from him, he raised his arms in a motion that he wanted to be held.
"Harry," I asked, "would you like me to carry you around while wee shopping for you?"
What he did next, I was not expecting. He talked to me. He said, "yes please Mister Louis."
I scooped him up and threw him into the air and caught him in a bear hug.
"Oh my goodness Harry! Your first words, I'm so proud of you baby. You have such a cute voice and I want to hear it all the time baby boy!" I couldn't help myself from praising him. Marcel said he hasn't talked since his mother died and he trusted me enough to let me hear his cute voice. "Well baby, I think we need to get you some clothes. You can't keep wearing these all of the time."
I brought him to the kids section where Niall and Liam has already done some shopping for Marcel and even a few outfits for Harry. Niall came over and asked us, "Hey Harry, would you like to come shop with me for a little bit? I need some help finding some clothes for you and I thought you'd be the best person to ask."
Harry nodded his head and made grabby hands toward Niall. I decided to see if I could get him to talk a little more, "Hey Harry, can you use your words to tell Niall that you want him to carry you?"
His eyes went wide and his breathing got heavier, but just as I went to tell him he didn't have to if he didn't want to, he said the most cutest thing, "Mister Niall, I would like to go shopping with you, please."
Niall started smiling, Liam's eyes went wide, Marcel gasped, and I grinned. Niall scooped him up and started kissing all over his little face and told him "of course you may baby boy!"
They went shopping and I noticed that Marcel looked a little left out, so I scooped him up and threw him in the air, caught him, and started kissing all over his face. He started giggling and I asked him if he'd had enough shopping for the day. He said yes he had so I told him that we just had to wait for Niall and Harry to come back and then we could go home, meet Zaynie, get a snack, and have a nice warm bath. His eyes got wide and he started smiling and nodded his head. Just as I was about to tell him a wonderful joke, Niall and Harry came back with about four shirts and two pairs of golf shorts, plaid golf shorts. I was about to say put them back when Harry asked, "Can I wear the green shorts and blue shirt Mister Louis?"
Now how am I supposed to say no to that? I looked at Marcel and asked him, "what do you think Marcy? Can Harry wear those green shorts?"
He responded, "I think the shorts look very nice Mister Louis, I think Harry should wear them, as long as I can wear the red pair."
I rolled my eyes and told Niall, "you nut job, you got them hooked on your wacky shorts."
"I know Lou," he started, "but why not, they both loved them obviously!"
Just as I was about to make a sassy come back, Liam has to go stop my fun, "Anyways boys, how about we go check out and get you changed?"
"Yes please," came the reply of both boys.
"Well then, let's go lovelies!" Liam has to throw in his favorite nickname for twins, only him.
We checked out and went to a family bathroom with a changing table. First up was Harry with his lovely green shorts. I picked him up and laid him on the table and told him, "now little one, you heard Liam tell you that you were a Little right?"
"Yes Mister Louis," he responded.
"Right, as a little, you might need to wear nappies so I am going to put you in a nappy. The nappy is there so if you need to go potty, you can just go. All I ask of you is to tell one of us that you have gone potty. I promise you we won't get mad, we just don't want you to get a nasty rash baby, okay?"
He looked a little nervous at my statement, but none the less responded, "ok Mister Louis, I'll try."
"Thank you baby boy!"
I got him fitted into the nappy and got his shorts, shirt, Vans, and coat on. He smiled at me, sat up and said, "thank you so much Mister Louis!"
"You're very welcome little one. Now, would you like to wait with me, or should I change your brother too."
"Well," he started, "I think we should let Marcy decide since it is his body."
"Good idea baby boy, let's let Marcy decide."

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