Chapter Three

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(Isabella's POV)

"It's raining, Izzy."

"I'm well aware." I said as I kept walking.

"We shouldn't be out in this weather."

I rolled my eyes. "You're more than welcome to go wait in the car."

"I'm not supposed to leave you."

"I have Caesar. I'll be fine. I'll only be another hour or so."

He sighed. "Call or text if anything is wrong. I'll give you two hours. That's it."

"Yeah, I got it." I said.

He walked off and I continued on my way.

I've been in Russia a little over a week and it's been amazing. I only go out to explore every other day. I spend the other days at the house or around town.

Today, we are in St. Petersburg at the Mikhailovksy Garden and it's raining. I love the rain. Aleksei doesn't enjoy it that much.

I kept walking until I came across a gazebo. Caesar and I got underneath it and he immediately shook all the water off.

I sat down on the small set of steps and looked out. I held up my camera and took a few shots.

"Nice to see you again, Isabella." A deep said from behind me.

It was Nikolay.

"You as well. What brings you here?"

"I take Tiberius for a walk here almost everyday before I head home from work." He said as I noticed the solid black German Shepherd standing beside him.

Him and Caesar instantly started sniffing at each other. They seemed to get along quite well.

"May I join you?" Nikolay asked.

"Of course." I nodded.

He sat down beside me and stretched out his legs.

"You like taking pictures?" He asked.

I pointed my camera at him and snapped a picture.

"Yes, I do." I said and he chuckled.

"Like it enough to brave the rain apparently."

"I love the rain. It's....peaceful."

He smiled. "Most people dislike the rain."

"I'm not most people."

"So I'm slowly learning." He winked making me blush.

"How are you enjoying Russia so far?"

"It's wonderful."

"What all have you seen?"

So I told him everything I'd done and everywhere I'd gone.

"You went into the main part of Moscow?"

"Yeah, but I didn't stay in the area for very long."

"Did you visit Arbat Street?"

I shook my head.

"You must visit it. I'm sure you'll love it."

"Are you offering to show me around there?" I asked.

He smiled. "I could show you around if you'd like."

"My very own personal tour guide." I teased.

"It would be my honor." He said pretending to bow.

"Tell me a time and place to meet you."

"May I see your phone?" He asked.

The Forbidden Mafia Princess (Angels of the Underworld: Book Three) (✔️)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin