Chapter Twenty-One

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So sorry about the last chapter.

It's a bit short, but another one so you won't die from waiting.


-B. 🙃😎

(Nik's POV)

Artem Petrov. One of my father's original men. A mean old f*cker.

He wasn't happy to see me on his doorstep in the middle of nowhere. His attitude changed when he saw Vincenzo behind me. He invited us all in for a drink.

"May I get you something?" He asked Juliet.

"No, thank you." She smiled, taking a seat by Vince.

"What brings you here, Nikolay?" He asked. "What brings you here with the Devil?"

"Aleksei Vasiliev."

"So you know." He said.

"We do and I suggest you start talking."

"His mother didn't die right away after Vincenzo's attack. She lived long enough to give birth to him. He grew up on the streets, his hatred growing for you both everyday."

Vince cocked his head to the side and studied him as he spoke.

"You raised him." Vince said suddenly.

Artem cleared his throat. "I did, but I didn't raise him with that hate. That was all himself."

"Mhmm. Do you know where he is now?" I asked.

"He called a few days ago and told me that he was going to be unreachable for a few days or weeks."

"Do you know where he is? I won't ask nicely a third time." I growled.

"He has a place about a hour from here. It's an old cabin, like this one. He has recruited several men over the years, so they'll be there as well. Preached his big plan to them about he's going to get you two to kill each other and then he'll take over everything. Stupidest motherf*cker I've ever met in my life." Artem muttered the last part.

"Exact address please." Juliet said and he nodded before grabbing a pen and paper.

"Why you want him?" Artem asked.

"He has my daughter." Vince said.

"Who is also my girlfriend." I added.



"Can I give you a piece of advice?"

I nodded.

Artem then looked at Vince in the eyes, something people rarely do because of his...twitchy finger that's almost always on his gun.

"You're the biggest psychopath in our world and maybe the whole world. Nik and your boys are not far behind you. But that boy, Aleksei, he's right behind them. He's f*cking crazy. Something isn't right in his head. Differently f*cked up that yours. You get the opportunity, I suggest you put a g*ddamned bullet between his eyes. No hesitation. He will fight you tooth and nail. He'll fight to kill."

"What.....What do you think he's done to her?" Juliet asked.

"Nothing if he doesn't know about her relationship with Nik."

"And if he does?"

He looked at Vince again. "You're going to want to do more to him than you did to Esposito."

Vince's hands balled into fists. So did Stefano's.

"What exactly happened to Esposito?" I asked.

Artem flinched and instinctively reached for his groin.

"Tell you later." Juliet whispered.

We left Artem's cabin and headed back home. Vince needed to grab a few things before we headed off to save Isa. He also made sure to lock Juliet in the house. She wasn't too pleased.

"Any word form Phoenix?" I asked as we left the house.

"No." Vince said.

"That worry you?"

He cocked his head to the side. "Not really."

"What do you think he's doing and where?"

"Hard to say. I do know one thing though."

"And that is?"

"He'll pop up when you least expect him too."

(Isa's POV)

I felt gross. I felt so incredibly gross. I wanted to shower. I wanted to scrub my skin clean. I wanted to brush my teeth.

I kept waiting for Aleksei to come back. Kept waiting for him to come back and hurt me some more.

I tried to keep myself from falling asleep, so I'd know when he came back, but I was just so tired. I about jumped out of my skin when I heard a small bang.

I looked at the door but saw nothing.

"Pssst." I heard someone say. "Coast clear?"

I looked to the other side of the room and saw that the window was now open.

"Yeah." I called back.

Seconds later, I was shocked as hell when Uncle Phoenix climbed through the window. He was dressed in all black.

He ran over and quickly set me free. He then reached into the bag on his back and pulled out some clothes.

"Your father and your lover are sooooo gonna torture him." He said.

"They not with you?"

He shook his head. "I'm sure they're not far behind though. Figured I'd get you out of here before hell breaks loose."

"How'd you find me?"


"That's all I get?"

"For now."

I glared at him. "How did you find me before them? Seriously."

He just smirked. "I'm a Ghost, remember?"

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