Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Sadly, only the Epilogue is left and it will probably be short. 🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧🤧

Be sure to read the A/N at the end of it. It will be important.

(Isa's POV)

"He killed himself? How in the world did he do that?" Mom asked.

"He knocked his chair over when no one was around and beat his head against the floor."

"He bashed his own head?"

"Yep. Apparently bashing your own head against a concrete floor until you kill yourself is better than facing your father's torture." Nik said with a shrug.

"Weak ass bitch." Dad mumbled to himself.

"So it's all over now?" Mom asked.

"It is all over." Dad nodded.


"Can we all go home soon then?" Uncle Stefano asked. He and Uncle Phoenix were standing side-by-side behind dad. They were also holding hands.

"You can leave whenever you wish." Dad said.

"And what about you?" Uncle Phoenix asked.

"I assume I'll be leaving whenever my wife decides it's time to leave." He sighed.

Mom just winked at him.

Later that night, Nik and I were laying on the bed watching some TV. His hand rested on my stomach.



"Can we get married tomorrow?"


"Can we get married tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

"I thought you wanted a proposal filled with romance first? And don't you want a big wedding?"

"Well I've been thinking about it and I changed my mind. I don't have to have that stuff. I don't need it. I just wanna be your wife. As soon as possible."


"I want to be your wife as soon as possible. There is nothing on this earth that I want more than that."

"You're sure? Cause I've been thinking about the perfect proposal."

I chuckled. "I'm sure. I don't need that. Just get me a ring and get me to the courthouse."

It was then that he reached over to his nightstand and pulled something out of the drawer.

"I've had this ever since our weekend getaway to Paris." He said as he handed it to me.

It was a beautiful diamond ring.


"I told you that I was never gonna let you go. Ever since I saw you standing in that museum, I knew you were going to be the woman I married."

"You couldn't have known." I rolled my eyes.

"I did know. Looking at you made all my worries disappear. It made my world brighter."

Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"You, much like your mother, are a ray of sunshine in this dark world of ours. You make everyone feel better about everything. There is no one I'd rather spend the rest of my life with."

He took the ring out of the box and slid it onto my finger before kissing my hand.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him with everything in me.

"I love you."

"And I love you."

"You know that you have to ask my father, right?"

He chuckled. "Why do you think he really shot me twice that night I met him at the bar? He knew. He knew I was going to marry you one day."

"That's why you didn't shoot him back."

"That and I'm not f*cking crazy enough to shoot your father." He said and I laughed.

"So tomorrow?"

"We can get married whenever you wish, Isa."

"Tomorrow it is then." I smiled as I snuggled down underneath the covers with the love of my life and soon-to-be husband.

(Nik's POV)

I made sure Isa was fast asleep before I got up and headed for the guest bedroom. I knocked once and waited. Seconds later. Juliet opened the door.

"Hello, Nikolay." She smiled.

"Juliet." I smiled.

"Come in. Vince is just getting out of the shower." She said.

I walked inside and stood by the dresser as she crawled on the bed and went back to watching TV. Grey's Anatomy to be exact. Just like Isa.

Vince came out of the conjoining bathroom a minute later. I always seemed to forget how seeing him shirtless made him look more threatening. His scars and tattoos were enough to terrify the actual devil. Juliet, however, stared at him like he was a meal. It made me chuckle.

"What brings you here? Where is Isa?" He asked.

"She's asleep and I wanted to speak to the both of you."

"You'll mostly like just be speaking to me. She tunes everyone and everything out once you put that damn show on." Vince said.

I laughed.

"What's on your mind?" He asked.

"Isa wants to get married tomorrow."

His expression remained the same. Juliet, on the other hand, heard what I said and paused the show.

"She what? She wants to get married tomorrow? To you? No big wedding? No magical proposal?"

"Moglie," Vince said in a tone that silenced her.

"Yes to all of that." I said answering her. "I told her that we could have a big wedding and that I'd propose, but she doesn't want that."

"Did you come to ask for permission?" Juliet asked.

Vince scoffed. "He knows he has permission."

"From you, maybe. But what about from me?" She huffed.

Vince rolled his eyes. "You gonna tell him no?"

"Well if not for permission, then what did you come here?" Juliet asked.

"I still want it to be special for her. I don't want it to feel rushed or whatever. And I have heard what you did for Knox and Scarlett's wedding. You pulled that off quickly."

"Oh don't you worry. I will take care of everything. All you have to do is keep her busy for a little bit tomorrow. Take her shopping or something. Can you do that?"

"I can."

"Good. Now, off to bed. We've got a lot to do tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." She smiled.

"Night." Vince said as I left.

I got back to our room and crawled back into bed with Isa. She immediately scooted closer to me.

I tried to sleep that night, but I couldn't. I couldn't sleep because I was to excited. I was to excited by that fact that within 24 hours the woman laying next to me was going to be my wife. Forever.

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