Chapter Forty-Four: Ygraine Pendragon

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Merlyn had never moved so fast in her life. Her hands grasped at Arthur's body and helped him to his feet as he rushed to get up. Both of them stared down at the axe that Morgause had gently placed beside the block, it's sharp blade gleaming against the ground. She had swung the weapon and had stopped its swing just before it grazed Arthur's neck. Arthur hadn't flinched, had not moved even when it seemed it was his last moment. And that had been enough for the woman who was walking away from them.

"Are you alright?" Merlyn asked quietly as she kept her hands on Arthur, one on his back whilst the other rested on his chest, creeping towards his neck for a moment as if checking the skin was undamaged.

"I'm fine" Arthur replied reaching up to gently squeeze Merlyn's worried hand. Their eyes locked for a moment before they remembered they had company. Even though it went against every instinct she had, Merlyn stepped back and just in time as the sorceress Morgause finally turned around, unaware of the tender and revealing moment that had occurred between servant and master.

"You have shown that you are truly a man of your word, Arthur Pendragon, and for that I will grant you one wish" Morgause said. Merlyn could only frown at the words. Why on earth was Morgause offering Arthur a wish? Merlyn couldn't help but think of the tales her mother used to tell her of female genies who were cunning tricksters who granted wishes but twisted them into nightmares. "Tell me what it is that your heart most desires."

Merlyn's gaze rested on Arthur as the prince suddenly turned to look at Merlyn his gaze piercing her own. What he wanted to wish for and what he desired were two very separate things – Arthur wished for many things of all sorts but there was only one thing his heart truly desired.

What he truly desired most was something so close and yet ultimately out of his reach; he wanted a lifetime with Merlyn by his side, in every possible way especially in name ... but he knew that that was a pipedream as long as his father lived. Whilst he had her for now he couldn't ask her to wait in secret for an undisclosed amount of time; he knew he had to settle for what little time they had before he was forced to marry another for the good of the kingdom or before Merlyn found someone whom she could be with openly and freely.

Slowly, the prince turned back to face Morgause. It wasn't hard to see what his second option was.

"You said you knew my mother. Tell me all that you know about her" Arthur said. He wished to know more about her. He knew what she looked like, he knew her name was Ygraine, he knew his father married her out of love but beyond that Arthur knew very little – much to his dismay.

"Perhaps you would like to see her" Morgause offered with a glint of triumph in her eyes. Arthur's face dropped at the suggestion. He hadn't even realised that that was an option for him. Magic could make the impossible very possible.

"I want that more than anything" Arthur confessed immediately, the hope sparking in his eyes at the idea that he might actually be able to see his mother, talk to her.

"As you wish" Morgause replied before she walked away once again only this time Arthur immediately followed. This was a chance in a lifetime for him. Merlyn watched in utter shock as Arthur left without even a glance behind him. It was clear Arthur's mind was on a one track. However, everything sat uncomfortably with the young witch. She didn't like the situation at all.


Day had run towards night, the shorter days coming upon them whilst Morgause had set up a part of the ruined castle for their séance. This area of the castle had been overgrown by grass under their feet and ivy along the standing stone walls, once more the roof was gone, the arches that once ran consecutively down the hall broken at the same point on both side allowing for the night sky to linger above them. Morgause had set up several metal torch bins down the hall to light the way towards a large stone altar that was engraved on closer inspection with ancient words long forgotten by the minds of men. Morgause had covered the altar in various shaped candles and she was systematically lighting each one.

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