Chapter Fifty-Six: The Greatest Magic of All

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The cavern was becoming a third home for Merlyn at this rate, right behind Arthur's chambers and her actual chambers. It was cold, drafty, and dark but the place held one of her greatest companions and confidants. She was once again on the ledge of the cavern holding a burning torch in her hand, speaking to the large reptile before her. Merlyn recounted everything that had happened to the Great Dragon, the reptile taking in her words quickly. Merlyn moved through the scenes as fast as she could trying hard not to dwell to much on the heartbreaking parts of the story.

"This is magic indeed" Kilgharrah answered once Merlyn had finished explaining.

"Everything I have tried has failed" she said in despair. Merlyn was out of plans, she had nothing left to say and was frankly more than worried.

"From what you tell me, the spell has captured his heart" Kilgharrah replied, the biggest danger with spells is that they would do such a thing. Merlyn had read about this scenario once - a spell enraptured around a heart was virtually unbreakable. Not to mention painful for others involved. It hurt Merlyn more than she cared to admit - the idea of something effecting his heart, a love (even magically) changing his feelings towards her was an uncomfortable thought. Merlyn could only sigh. She truly loved the prince, more than was appropriate, more than was helpful.

"And his heart is controlling his brain" Merlyn emphasised. Whilst she knew the enchantments on the heart were strong they weren't unbreakable, just hard to break.

"There is no magic that can break this enchantment" Kilgharrah contradicted. But Merlyn wouldn't accept that as an answer.

"There must be" she stressed, her heart pounding in her ears at the reply. She didn't want to face a world where she couldn't save her prince.

"It has too great a hold" the dragon continued much to Merlyn's dislike.

"I cannot let Arthur die" she replied sharply. She had saved his life too many times to let a stupid jester and another king take him from her.

"Patience, young witch" Kilgharrah scolded, causing Merlyn to back up slightly and regain control of herself. "The solution lies in a force greater than you or I can understand. A force that has puzzled many minds..."

"Please, I have very little time" the young servant pressed in annoyance. She didn't exactly have time for this.

"...a force..."

"Kilgharrah..." Merlyn growled his name in warning she wasn't at all happy with the overgrown lizard. However the overgrown lizard did no more than laugh at Merlyn. It was rare such a simple answer existed for a hard question yet this answer was traditional and long-standing ... and yet Merlyn couldn't see it. The situation amused Kilgharrah. Though the same could not be said for Merlyn. "Just tell me!"

"Why, it is the greatest force of all ... love" Kilgharrah revealed with a scaly smile.

"Love?" Merlyn repeated almost dumbly. She was finding it a little hard for it to be so simple.

"You must find the person Arthur truly loves. One kiss from her will break the enchantment, and he will desire Vivian no more" Kilgharrah said, an almost soft smile on his scaly face. He already knew how this story ended. "Though I should say one kiss from you."

"Me?!" Merlyn echoed quietly. She couldn't help but feel her doubts creeping up on her.

"You are his other half" Kilgharrah stated since it was as simple as that - there was no disputing that simple fact. Merlyn nodded slowly, her eyes locking onto the flames that danced upon the stick she held. Her silence was unusual as was her obvious distress and fear of something she had no control over. This solution worked solely on the understanding that Arthur loved her and a part of her began to question if he did; her insecurities began to reign. What if Merlyn was right originally and Arthur did actually like Vivian and wanted to toss Merlyn aside for a lady whom his father would approve?

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