Chapter Forty-Nine: The Cursed Truth

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Finally, free of irritating bounty hunters, princes and knights Merlyn had been able to make her way back into the maze of tunnels under the castle. A torch burned bright in her hand and illuminated the pitch-black path before her, allowing Merlyn to move quickly. She had been gone a while and could only imagine what Freya and Percival were thinking.

Just before she had entered the tunnels Merlyn had grabbed a small bucket and filled it with water from the pump knowing the pair had to be thirsty, however, the trip had cost her more time but she knew it would be worth it. Eventually the young witch was coming upon the alcove where the siblings were hidden.

"Merlyn? Lyn?" Percival's voice reached her ears. He had heard the footsteps and saw the shadow of light.

"Yeah, it's me" Merlyn replied to ease the brother's mind. She assumed he had been stood on guard with the sai ready and she really didn't fancy discovering how well he could use the weapon. Finally, Merlyn was turning the corner and revealing herself to Percival who was sat leaning against the wall beside his sister who was curled up upon the floor asleep.

"I'm sorry I took so long. You must be hungry and thirsty" Merlyn said as she gently placed the bucket down and the pitcher beside it. "Food's in the pitcher." Just to be confusing.

"Where have you been?" Percival questioned as he gently tipped the food out of the pitcher onto the napkin from the last time Merlyn had brought them food. Percival was certainly happy to see the meat before him.

"Sorry ... Halig is looking for her" Merlyn said gesturing over to Freya who was still soundly asleep beneath Merlyn's coat. However, with her eyes upon Freya, Merlyn had missed seeing Percival's widening concerned gaze. Suddenly a gentle hand was clasping her forearm, his hand swamping her thin wrist.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" Percival suddenly asked, forgetting about the food before him. Merlyn snapped her head around to find Percival scanning her body for any injuries, scanning the way Merlyn was holding herself to see if she was trying to hide anything.

"No and I didn't say anything about her but he thinks I'm harbouring her which is not wrong" Merlyn explained, gently placing her hand on top of Percival's in a reassuring manner. However, Merlyn could see the concern and worry racing around Percival's eyes.

"You need to go" he suddenly said, his voice determined and unyielding. The demand shocked Merlyn to know end.


"You need to leave" he repeated, his gaze not moving from Merlyn whilst she frowned in utter confusion.

"I swear I won't let them find her; I promise" Merlyn pressed not wanting Percival to think she would sell them out. However, her words had little effect on the man who was looking guiltier by the minute - what was he feeling guilty about?

"No. You need to go and stay away, I'll get us to safety" Percival stated strongly, turning his gaze towards his sister. It was always his job to protect her and he couldn't force someone else to place their life in harm's way from them.

"Percival, I'm going to help you" Merlyn countered grasping Percival's arm tightly.


"But -"

"He'll come after you. Torture you for an answer. And you have magic which makes it even more dangerous for you" Percival stated strongly. He knew his words were true. Bounty Hunters didn't change. "You've already suffered enough for me and my sister."

That's when she suddenly realised.

"You're worried about me?" Merlyn asked flabbergasted. There was genuine concern written all over his handsome face. At her reaction, Percival couldn't help but smile at her whilst his kind eyes held laughter in them – Merlyn was shocked by the gesture, her reaction just amusing Percival. Before either of them could continue their argument, Freya began to move, a small groan coming from her lips as she stretched out. Sleeping in a foetal position often led to kinks in the body. Percival and Merlyn immediately turned their gaze to the young woman.

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