Chapter Fifty-Two: To Break A Servant's Heart

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As usually, Merlyn had woke up that morning, gotten dressed and headed towards Arthur's chambers, eating her breakfast along the way. She was in a good mood despite the added work load of five kings and their entourages. However, that good mood was not going to last.

Soon enough Merlyn was pushing against Arthur's heavy wooden door and entering his room. Though as she did she stumbled to a halt. The room was full of sunlight, someone had opened the curtains! The light revealed that Arthur's bed was empty and made! Looking around, Merlyn suddenly spotted the prince standing by his long windows gazing longingly down into the square. Merlyn rubbed her eyes upon seeing this view. Normally Merlyn had to throw open the curtains and blind the prince to get him out of bed. He would never voluntarily get out of bed and make the darn thing. She wondered what had him so raring to go.

"Good morning, Sire?" Merlyn greeted carefully, eyeing the prince up as she moved further into the room. However, the prince did not move to see Merlyn instead his gaze was locked on the square below. Merlyn eventually reached the bottom of Arthur's bed where she stood studying the man.

"Never have you been more right, Merlyn. It is the sunniest, the most fragrant, the most beautiful morning I've ever seen in my life" Arthur replied causing Merlyn to stare at the prince with concern - that was very flowery for the prince, he didn't exactly do flowery. With a frown Merlyn slammed her hand to her hip and went to ask Arthur what the hell was going on when her eyes suddenly registered the fact that the prince had dressed himself!

"You're dressed" Merlyn exclaimed in shock, her hand shooting out in shock. He was fully attired, again a rare feat for the prince - usually he demanded that Merlyn pick out his clothes.

"I am the future King of Camelot, I do have some skills, you know" Arthur retorted from his seemingly permanent position beside the window, leaning against the wall gazing out below.

"Indeed, you are very skilled at getting people to do things for you" Merlyn commented, willing to let his strange behaviour go. She assumed since the kings had arrived he felt a need to be more independent. Though that was not strictly true.

"That is your job" Arthur replied back resulting in Merlyn sighing. She couldn't argue with that after all it was the truth. Rolling her eyes, Merlyn went to get on with her other jobs, the never ending list of chores as Arthur's servant, when Arthur continued to speak. "But today my job is to woo."

"To what?" she asked spinning around to face him. What the hell did he mean?

"To woo. I wish to make a proclamation of love" Arthur expanded though he didn't give Merlyn a second glance. This didn't make sense to the girl, Arthur had already done that, they were already together in a partially-secret relationship of sorts.

"Umm, Arthur you are making no sense. I already know your feelings -" she tried to speak but once more Arthur interrupted her. She might as well not have been there.

"By the end of today I will have won my lady, and since you know my feelings you can help me" Arthur continued without a care in the world. He was solely focused upon himself and his wants, he couldn't care less about Merlyn's that was for sure.

"Help you?" Merlyn was utterly confused as she moved towards the prince, trying to get his attention.

"Yes, help me. Now how do I express my feelings?" Arthur asked with his gaze still concentrated on the window.

"Arthur you already have" Merlyn said as she lifted her hand to place it upon his arm. A move she had done a thousand times. Yet this time her hand couldn't even glimpse his shirt before the prince was snapping his arm away in disgust.

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