Chapter 14

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After I got dressed, Paul and I got in his car and drove down to a popular local bar. Inside, I would see faces I never thought I'd see in there. People who I assumed to be quiet and mellow were throwing drinks back after dark.

Paul leaned against the bar as the bartender gave us two shots.

"Thanks for the booze." Paul said as he gave it to us on a tray, although the two small shot glasses barely took up space on it. Paul held one and I held the other, and he raised it up. I mirrored him and rose mine as well.

"To education, suspension, and having a good old time." Paul smiled at me. I laughed and took a small sip of the shot.

"No, Liz, that's not how you do it. Watch me." Paul put the shot to his lips and knocked it back. When he looked back at me, my eyes were wide and intimidated. "Come on, it'll be quick."

I knocked back my liquor, and felt it warmly go down my throat. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt it run through my body, and when my eyes opened Paul was now standing right in front of me.

He held onto my leg and turned my stool so I faced him more. Then, he leaned in to kiss me.

"Newman!" A young guy shouted as he walked over with his arms extended out. "Hey, fella, how's it going!"

"Georgie!" Paul laughed as Georgie put his arm around Paul. He was definitely already drunk, and I could smell him from where I sat. Then, his hooded eyes landed on me. "Who's the broad?"

"This is Liz..." Paul explained. "She's my girl."

Georgie rose his eyebrows and looked me up and down. Then, he squinted at me. "Am I seeing this right? You're bold, Newman, but coming from you that's expected."

"Alright, buzz out of here, will ya?" Paul said, obviously embarrassed.

"Well how about you and your lady come over and have a few drinks with the boys? We're getting real rowdy tonight!" Georgie smiled at Paul as he sloppily pointed behind him.

Paul smiled as he looked down the bar at the other guys, but then remembered me. I saw his blue eyes glimpse at me, I could tell he wanted to be with his friends.

"Okay, lets go." I said as I hopped off the stool. We followed Georgie over to the other guys, and it was basically the whole football team.

"Newman!" They all shouted as they rough-housed him and shook him about. Paul was in the middle as they all patted him about, one even scrambled his hair.

"Hey, Paul, ready to go out and catch some cats?" One asked and they all laughed. Paul laughed, but then looked down at the ground.

"I was thinking I'd knock back a few more drinks, I need to catch up." Paul announced and they all cheered.

"Get this kid three beers— immediately!" Georgie announced. "And you'll chug those way down the shoot, Paul, won't ya?"

"Well, I don't think I can get too crazy, I have my lady with me." Paul said as he glimpsed over at me. I stood in front of them and they were so engrossed in their own drunkenness and brotherly love they barely noticed me.

"Well would you look at that!" One said as he stared at me. "Paul got a girl! What day of the week is this one for?"

They all laughed and I rolled my eyes. He looked at me apologetically and walked forward to follow me. Before he could get to me, Georgie held his shoulders and turned him toward the bar.

I decided to sit at a table opposite to where the boys drank, chatted and sweared. The aisle that took you to the restrooms where people got sick is what separated those at the bar from me.

After many drinks, Paul was significantly drunk. It was real late now, and he wasn't looking like he was trying to slow down.

If it was up to me, I would've already left, but he was my ride home. He drank all the time, I figured he must know how to drive drunk.

I looked to the door as it burst open and shivers were sent down my spine. Guys around our age in Levi's and t-shirts came bursting in. They were all together and I saw them sit next to Paul's group.

They were already drunk and obviously came to this bar because they got kicked out of the last. One blonde girl sat with them, her hair to her shoulders and wavy. She had a red artificial flower tucking one side behind her ear matching her red lipstick.

She caught Georgie's eye and he stumbled over there in a real goofy way to say hi. One of the guy's in the gang didn't like that too well, so he socked Georgie in the nose.

Georgie stumbled back, knocking down a whole barstool while he fell. I gasped as I watched those guys laugh at Georgie who was now on the ground groaning.

Paul and the rest of the Kenyon U guys got up and helped Georgie to his feet. Now, it was Georgie's turn to get a swing in. He drunkenly missed and this time got a sock to the nose.

Another kid stepped in and punched a totally different guy in the group. He obviously just wanted to fight— and fight they did.

I was shocked to watch Paul get caught up with these guys. He threw punches and got some back as he fought those boys. And what for? All for a girl? I couldn't see the reason. It was all too sloppy for me.

I slid past the spectacle and walked out of that bar. As I exited, the town police car pulled up to break up the fight.

Paul had so much potential to be something. He could've been great and he was wasting it on these knuckleheads! I ended up walking home that night,

I stood outside and after a few moments the shouting and howling calmed down. I stood across the street and waited to see the outcome. People started walking out of the bar cuffed, their heads down. Georgie stepped out into the chilly night, and got sick on the sidewalk while his hands were cuffed behind his back.

And amongst them, my heart sank once I connected with Paul's blue eyes. His full lips were in a pout and his smirk that seemed permanent was absent. I looked past his broad shoulders to see that his arms were behind his back.

Paul was arrested that night.

I walked home and the house was quiet. I prayed that Millie didn't realize one of the birdies had left the nest. Upstairs I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was the fact that Paul had an arrest.

While laying in bed staring at the ceiling, I heard a car driving down the street outside. I sat up and looked out. There Paul was getting out of Dave's car.

It was clear Dave was upset with Paul, he didn't even look at him as they walked toward the door. Paul paused and stood there. He tilted to the side, trying to gain balance as he placed his hands to his pockets.

Then he dared to look across the street and up at my room. I stood up so I was directly in front of the window, staring back. His blue eyes were filled with almost sad emotion one could possibly exude.

He hung his head toward the floor, ashamed. Then, stared at his feet as he tried to make his way to the front door where Dave stood.

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