Chapter 1: First Impressions

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Author's note: Hey everyone! I'm glad to finally post my first new story in several years. I've been addicted to writing more of it since I started and am very excited to post it here. This story is told in Shu's perspective and I don't think that'll change depending on how long it is but we'll see. Thanks for reading and please enjoy Chapter 1!

For as long as I could remember, I was dissatisfied with my life. Vampire life was outrageously long so boredom seemed to consume my existence. But one thing continued to make it all bearable. Music.

It was the thing I spent all my time being involved with. I could spend days doing absolutely nothing but drift away to the sweet sounds of a violin or a piano.

But life had a way of constantly tearing me away from such contentedness. Usually in the form of annoying humans or my brothers.

Tonight was a perfect night. The weather was cool on the roof of the school but it was just right enough that I could sleep peacefully throughout my classes. Through my earbuds resonated the invigorating rhythm of Rachmaninoff's "Isle of the Dead".

I exhaled a sigh. Sleep was a solace from the boredom of being in this establishment.

I couldn't tell how much time had went by and I didn't really care all too much. It was a nice escape. But as with any escape, there would be consequences later.

I sighed, imagining Reiji scolding me when he hears I skipped class again. There's only so much I can stand to hear over and over again, especially from such a control freak.

"What a pain," I groaned as the chime of the final bell rang, indicating it was time for me to get up and go home to those ravenously needy brothers of mine. Being the eldest just meant being responsible for the others and I'd rather not deal with that kind of thing.

Sighing again, I opened my eyes and sat upwards, rubbing my head as I tried to stand up. To my unwanted surprise, I realized I wasn't alone.

I was hidden in a tight corner with an awning, so there weren't many who came up here, especially during night school. But standing alone merely ten feet away was a girl from my grade.

I couldn't recall where I had seen her before, but she didn't really stand out much. I couldn't remember her name, but that's not exactly unusual for me.

She was standing in the middle of the roof with her dark bangs covering her face. She stood there for at least five minutes without moving.

That's weird, I thought, but I wasn't interested in hanging around to spy on her. I started making my way towards the stairs when I heard a loud clink. I peered back momentarily to see her walk over to the roof fencing and cut the thin wiring with hedge clippers, making a hole big enough for her to fit through.

Was she planning to jump? Heh.

I smirked to myself and thought, "Humans sure die easily, don't they?"

But it's not really any of my business if she does it or not. I continued to move towards the exit.

Then I heard another sound. It was so faint that a normal human wouldn't hear it. It was the sound of cutting wind. Like somebody falling. No way.

I glanced over and the girl was no longer standing on the edge. My body moved before I could even process what was happening. Like lightning, I flew at her and grabbed her, both of us falling down until my back hit hard against the ground, with her on top of me.

I groaned. It wasn't enough to kill me obviously but it still hurt. It was a three and half story building after all.

The girl looked petrified. But more than that, she looked confused.

I sat up groggily and shook off the dirt as she rolled off of me and just kind of sat there in shock.

Her silence made me a little uncomfortable, given the situation but I shrugged it off and said, "I don't know what propelled you to try something like that but don't do it around me again."

With that, I stood up and walked off towards where the limousine would be. Hopefully the oddness of that situation will blow over without her questioning why I'm still standing.

"Oi Shu, what took you so damn long?" Ayato growled as I approached the vehicle.

"It was nothing really," I muttered ducking into the vehicle and taking my seat.

"Ara? What's with the dirt all over your shirt?" Laito asked with pinched look as dirt brushed off my back all over his seat.

"I slept on the ground. Can you drop it now? I need to sleep," I stated as I closed my eyes, hoping they would get the meaning.




Why did I even bother helping that girl?

It really wouldn't have mattered whether or not I stepped in. Taking action just causes needless rumors should she tell anyone or if somebody saw what happened. Such a pain...

Placing my earbuds back in, I dozed off to my music playing in the background.

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