Chapter 9: My Little Sin

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Shu's perspective

"Shu-san," Yui greeted as I entered the kitchen after walking down the stairs. I eyed that she had appeared to be making spaghetti carbonara tonight. I narrowed my eyes and hummed, "You're making Reiji's favorite tonight, huh?"

"Ah, I just felt like eating it for some reason," she replied idly, while stirring the sauce with a wooden spoon. I heaved a sigh and requested, "When you're finished, could you give some to her as well?"

"Her? Shu-san, why don't you call her by her name?" Yui asked seriously.

"Because it's troublesome," I addressed with a condescending jab, "Besides, it's not like she's ever told me it herself. I'm just going with the flow here."

"Well, she casually calls you Shu," Yui started to say before I retorted, "And how do you know that?"

"When she was fading in and out of consciousness when I was getting cleaned off, she kept muttering your name. She must have known you were the one who had saved her."

"Ah," I muttered, feeling slightly flustered. That strange girl...always making me on edge. So annoying.

"Well, just give her some when you're done. She will be joining us for dinner later tonight as well," I loosely explained. Yui tilted her head and exclaimed curiously, "You changed your mind? Is she staying here?"

She seemed overly enthusiastic at the suggestion, as I quietly nodded. Her  joyful heartfelt expression made her look like a mother whose son had brought home the woman he wanted to marry.

"Stop looking at me like that, it's creepy," I reflexively spat before turning around and making my way towards the living room.

I peeked over my shoulder back at her as she giggled and went back to her cooking. That nosy girl...

As I stood in the center of the living room, I mentally called fourth my brothers to a meeting. One by one, they started to appear in various spots throughout the room.

"What is it, Shu? I was having the most amazing dream~" Laito emmited with a light giggle. Subaru was the next one to speak as he demanded, "Why did you call us here all of a sudden?"

"Yeah Shu, what's the big deal?" Ayato questioned while Reiji just pushed up his glasses agitatedly, already knowing what this was about. Kanato was also irritated, "I was in the middle of eating the most delicious pudding cup and you interrupted me."

"From today on, we'll have a guest of mine staying with us," I groaned out to shut them up, before stating darkly, "I don't think I need to tell you what will happen if you lay a finger on her..."

"So scary~," Laito reacted with a smirk, "Is she the girl from the letter?"

"Shut up, you're being annoying," I growled, earning a surprised expression from him when he replied with, "Uwa, Shu never shows this much emotion. Guess he's found himself a mate."

"What's she look like?" Ayato chimed in confidently.

"So she will be eating with us tonight?" Kanato questioned, seeming weirdly fascinated with the idea.

"Yeah," I shrugged and starting to leave the room. I knew those three idiots would be stupid about this.

"Oi Shu," Ayato stopped me with a mischievous grin before whispering dead seriously, "How's her bust size?"




"Oww, what the hell, Shu? Why'd you have to go and hit me?" he whimpered from the aftermath of my aggression.

"That'll teach you children a lesson," I warned before looking back at the triplets and repeating, "I don't really care what you do in your own time but I mean it. Do not touch her."


No one's perspective

Watching as Shu left the room, the triplets turned and exchanged weary glances before Reiji spoke up, "Finally somewhat acting like a leader, I see. I'm shocked that lazy pile even took the time to tell you all."

"So, is it true?" Subaru inquired, "Is he really interested in a normal human female?"

Everyone shrugged as Laito joked, "If he really is, wouldn't that be somewhat amazing? The next head of the Sakamaki household and a human girl."

Subaru nodded his head and agreed, "I'm surprised. I never thought him the type to care."

Reiji, finally fed up with their subjectively uninteresting banter, interrupted with, "That's enough. It doesn't matter what she is to Shu! You're all acting like a bunch of gossiping wives."

"Don't be jealous, Reiji," Ayato spat rudely, "We just want to know what kind of girl would hang around that type of boring sluggish guy."

Reiji was speechless at Ayato's underhanded comment but let it slide as he was more preoccupied on the fact that Shu's personality appeared to be changing from the sudden arrival of this girl. He chuckled and wondered to himself what else she could get him to do.

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