Chapter 28: Forever [Final Chapter]

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading this fic! I was really happy that this was the story to get me back into writing again. Anyways, I truly hope you guys enjoy this final chapter and please look forward to an original story from me sometime in the future. 

The song above is an original piano piece by youtuber Irdeen called "Haven". I found it appropriate to describe Ren's feelings regarding her experience in life up until meeting Shu and how it changed her life. 

Thanks for reading!

Hey all! I made an icon of Ren and I wanted to share with you all! I made it using Picrew. It was made using Yuru women's maker generator. Please tell me what you think! :D

  Please tell me what you think! :D

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Ren sat down at the piano shyly before explaining, "I wrote this song imagining everything in my life up until the point where I met you, Shu. Please listen to it closely."

She closed her eyes as she began plucking a simple note. Shu watched her with intensity as she moved her fingers across the keys gracefully, playing a somber beginning piece before the music transitioned slowly into a more complicated but emotive melody. Shu felt a strain in his chest as the mood of the music felt so innocent and yet told a story in itself of her emotional journey from the beginning to now.

The music grew faster and Ren's fingers were all over the place as she poured out her feelings in order to give the performance of a lifetime. Just before she finished, the song grew soft again as it faded into a open ended conclusion, almost awaiting what would come next.

Ren breathed out as she looked up to see Shu's face. His eyes were very intense and almost felt as if they were piercing through her as she muttered out a modest, "What did you think?"

She blinked when suddenly Shu was standing right above her as she sat on the piano bench. In a swift moment, his lips were on hers as his weight pinned her down. His hand caressed her cheek before he pulled away and whispered, "That sound was so beautiful, I could almost cry. But I like this much better."

He continued kissing her, his hands inching towards her hips as she whimpered embarassingly from beneath him. He began to pull off her cardigan when she whispered between breaths, "Shu...what if... someone...comes in?"

"Then let them see, I'm not stopping this for anything," Shu smirked as he flung her cardigan to the side and started placing kisses all along her collar bone down to the start of her chest. Ren stifled her moans self consciously as Shu continued overwhelming her with affection over a course of several minutes.

"Ugh Shu, what have I said about conducting such activities out in the open like this?" Reiji's voice broke through the quiet atmosphere that filled the room.

"You're being intrusive, Reiji. Are you feeling jealous?" Shu smirked as he sat up, pulling Ren into his lap as he sunk his teeth into the back of her shoulder blade. The blood spilled rapidly as he licked it up slowly and erotically, while staring Reiji in the eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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