Chapter 4: Hurt Me

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It had been over a week since I had seen her. I didn't really mind it since it meant my days remained calm yet again. Lately I had taken my mid afternoon naps in the music room since the weather was rainy all week.

I exhaled and closed my eyes as I hid behind the piano. It was a comfy enough spot.

I was almost asleep when I heard loud voices outside the door.

"I want to practice for the competition but what if Shu's in there? He'll kick us out again."

You're damn right I will.

"Oh come on, he can't really be the master of the music room. He's just another student like we are."

"Yeah but, don't you feel like he's kind of different? Like he has a different air to him. All of the Sakamakis are like that. They're all so handsome but they're really intimidating."

I sighed and readied myself to relocate. Their conversation spoiled my mood. I stood up and slid the door open somewhat rudely, revealing the two gossip queens as they stood with their jaws dropped. I paid them no mind as I shoved past them and headed towards the roof. Rain wouldn't hurt me anyway.

As I made my way to my usual spot, on the ground there was a small umbrella covering what I could only imagine was a small girl crouched on the ground.

"Is it just me or have you taken a liking to stalking me?" I smirked as I leaned over her from behind, startling her

She furrowed her brow and said nothing. But somehow I was feeling a little moody today.

"Have you fallen for me now that I saved your life? Is that why you wait here every day? Do you think of me as some kind of hero?" I antagonized her before whispering lowly in her ear, "I could shatter that illusion right now."

She didn't flinch but her face was stern and she looked up at me out of the corner of her eye and said, "No, you're not a hero. Quite the opposite."

"Heh, so you know at least that much...but not enough to stay away clearly," I exhaled sharply with an unimpressed expression.

She was quiet for a few minutes and I took it as my sign to sit down and get comfortable.

"It's just...I can't wrap my head around why you did that," she admitted, her face showing her struggle to comprehend.

"You don't care about anybody at this school. You don't attend classes and half the time, you're sleeping through them. I don't get you at all. So that's why I'm curious. You kept me alive and I want to know why."

"I keep asking myself the same thing," I groaned and rolled my eyes, "I ended up saving such a troublesome pain in the neck."

"Yeah, I am troublesome," she stated firmly before continuing, "but what's more troublesome is that we have talked this many times and you haven't asked me for my name."

"And exactly what makes you assume that I care enough to know your name? Are you famous? If not, then there's no need to learn your name, Jisatsu-shoujo(Suicide Girl)," I grumbled with a sigh. This conversation was growing tiresome.

She laughed dryly before commenting, "That's funny. Should I call you Taidana baka(Lazy idiot)?"

"Don't," I warned before raising a hand to my face to wipe a drop of water off, "You seem pretty insistent on talking to me but you won't get anything out of it so I suggest you should leave before something bad happens."

"You seem to be under the impression that I don't want something bad to happen," she said genuinely with a dry laugh.

"I just want my life to be more interesting at this point."

Huh. What an interesting girl.

"So you dont care what happens to you?"

"Shu," she stated, catching me slightly off guard with the sudden casual use of my name, "I attempted to end my life. Believe me, I don't care what happens to me."

I scratched my head at the sudden turn in this conversation. Was she propositioning me?

"So what do you want from me?" I asked, hoping for more confirmation on what it is she thinks that I can do for her.

"I want you to hurt me."

I almost choked. What she just said was so unnaturally forward that I could only imagine the look on my face.

"You're kind of weird," I muttered while scratching the back of my head, blinking a few times to make sure this wasn't some weird lust dream. Perhaps it was because I was used to Yui's innocent domain that I spaced out the possibility of ever meeting a woman as shameless as this one.

"You do realize the heavy implications of what you just said there, don't you?" I asked seriously, "A lot of guys would abandon all humanity hearing those words alone."

She looked up at the sky as if pondering for a moment what I meant before shuffling closer to me and whispering, "Well I guess I'm lucky you're not human, right?" before slipping out a quick giggle and tilting her head to the side.

My face heated up. So I guess this is what it feels like when someone dishes back what you give out. She was clever. I thought I could make her feel embarassed for saying something so ridiculous just now but she turned it right back at me.

I shook my head, feeling a little flustered. I straightened out and recalled, "I don't remember ever telling you what kind of superhuman I am. What makes you so sure I'm not something far worse than any regular man?"

She shrugged and replied, "Just a hunch, really. Not a whole lot to go on. Could be super strength, could be immortality. Who knows?"

"You know I'm starting to understand why you don't talk. Not a single word that comes out of your mouth makes any logical sense," I voiced bluntly, wondering to myself where the direction of this conversation was going.

"So will you do it?"

"Do what?" I scoffed, driving hard the point that she had not specified anything from the start.

"Hurt me."

"I don't take requests. I tend to do that on my own judgement. What are you, some sort of masochist? You can't just ask something like that. It ruins the..." I trailed off, realizing that I was talking far more than I ever should. I almost forgot how exhausting it could be.

I leaned my head against the wall beside the two of us and muttered, "So exhausting,"

I closed my eyes and drifted off as she silently sat next to me staring into the darkness with a resolute expression.

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