Chapter 10: Warm Reception

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---Later that night

Shu approached the door to his bedroom and knocked on it twice before opening it. Ren was awake and sitting on his bed as she greeted, "Welcome back."

"How are you feeling?" Shu asked nonchalantly as he closed the door behind him. She smiled modestly and said, "I feel a lot better now."

Shu nodded before mentioning, "So, I guess you're staying here for awhile huh?"

"Yeah, if that's still okay with you," she muttered guiltily. Shu sat down on the bed and laid on his back before replying, "It doesn't matter to me. I'm the master of this house after all."

"Master of the house?" she asked coyly, "What does that mean?"

"It's a little complicated," Shu scratched his head and explained, "But because I'm the eldest son, it's just one of many burdens I have."

Ren was quiet for a moment while wondering if perhaps Shu wasn't necessarily as free as she had perceived him to be. She glanced down at Shu's lazy yet comfortable looking position and laid on her back too, so they were eye level.

"Life's a drag," she sighed before admitting openly, "Maybe I should take on your approach to it. I think I care too much about the little things."

Shu laughed unexpectedly before contending with, "If you think too much, you'll be exhausted all the time."

"Is that why you're always sleeping whenever I see you?" she asked sincerely. Shu shrugged and muttered, "Maybe," before half-heartedly murmuring, "I'm supposed to see you downstairs but I've grown too comfortable in this position."

"Mmm, that's no good. I've been summoned to join you all, so I can't fall back on my duties as a guest," she explained while tugging on Shu's arm. He groaned and said, "This is going to be such a headache."

After a few minutes of protest, he yielded finally before they made their way downstairs. The other brothers had already taken their spots at the table. As she walked in the room, she was immediately greeted by Yui who bowed and introduced herself, "My name is Yui Komori, nice to meet you! I was the one who brought the food earlier. And what was your name?"

"Ren Shizumi. Please take care of me from now on," she stated politely before bowing once to Yui, then towards the direction of the others. She obediently took her seat over at the dinner table, where she was greeted by several curious sets of eyes. Shu trudged along behind her as he and Yui also took their seats.

Reiji spoke up and said, "Shizumi-san, since we will be seeing more of each other, we might as well introduce ourselves."

One by one, they introduced themselves before they started eating. There wasn't much conversation as they had somewhat anticipated their new guest to speak or ask typical human questions. To their surprise, she hadn't said anything since she introduced herself.

Ayato was the first one to point this fact out.

"Oi, you don't talk a lot, do you?" he asked pointedly as he continued, "Yours truly demands that you tell us what Shu did to make you fall for him!"

Ren stared at him blankly before looking at Shu and whispering, "Is he an idiot?"

Her response caught Shu off guard and a laugh slipped out before he covered him mouth and forced a cough. Ayato frowned, clearly feeling like they were making fun of them before grunting, "Whatever," while crossing his arms. Laito and Kanato had suddenly formed large smiles on their face at Ayato's expense as Laito jeered, "Ne, she's kind of blunt, isn't she?"

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