Chapter 5: Pressure

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Authors note: So I already broke my own rule of keeping this one in Shu's perspective. But I felt that it would be more enjoyable for readers as well as easier for me to describe things  if I used a third person point of view for intense scenes. Thanks for understanding.

"Shu, where do you keep disappearing to everyday?" Reiji questioned the moment I walked up to the limousine after school that morning.

"None of your damn business," I muttered irritatedly. He scoffed and continued, "Perhaps someone will have teach you a lesson in proper etiquette."

I smirked and jabbed, "Certainly not you, then?"

He scowled before grunting out, "Attempting to talk to you is such a waste of time."

"Then don't," I said, getting in the final word in while the others scrambled into the vehicle.

I had just bent down to get in when all of a sudden, Laito jeered, "Oh, what's this?"

I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye to see he had picked up an envelope off the ground with my name on it.

He opens it up before I have the chance to say anything and enthusiastically reads it out loud while blushing.

"Shu-san, please meet me in the music room tomorrow at lunch. -Jisatsu Shoujo."

"What could this possibly mean? A confession perhaps?" He inquires in his over the top typical flirty demeanor. I snatch the letter from him and he goes, "So you're going right?"

"No," I answered quickly. I don't know what that girl is thinking but I can't keep doing things at her pace. It's just too strange

"Awww but the young miss will be waiting for you. Should I go instead?" He asked with a smirk.

I glared at him, knowing this was his way of testing me. He grinned and looked at Ayato and asked, "What do you think, Ayato? Should we go visit this human girl and see what she's like? I wonder what flavor she'll be..."

Ayato chuckled and said, "Perhaps she might even put chichinashi to shame!"

"I wanna go too!" Kanato chimed in with a sinister menacing grin. With a heavy sigh I grunted lowly, "Don't."

Laito laughed cynically before commenting, "Shu doesn't normally care what we do. This one must be special~. Have you tasted her yet?"

"Shut up, you're so noisy," I mumbled before glancing out the window before saying very quietly, "I'll go deal with this myself."

Laito opened his mouth in fake awe before exchanging glances with Ayato and Kanato and winking.

"You're going to "deal with" her, huh?" he snickered while raising his eyebrows. I was already facepalming by this point in time but his voice was starting to give me a headache. I closed my eyes, signalling that I was already done with this conversation.

The triplets were easily distracted enough that they begun picking on Yui instead. I had already started playing my music, inwardly sulking because of that letter. That was a very foolish thing for her to do...


No one's perspective


Out of a quiet and unintentional sense of responsibility, Shu found himself shadowing the hallway surrounding the music room door. He sighed in exhaustion, wondering to himself what he was even doing.

He kept an eye out, ensuring that his brothers wouldn't do something extremely foolish which would draw unneccesary attention towards him. He moved across the hall and was about to open the door when he heard voices still inside. It was still early before the lunch bell, he thought to himself as he was about to turn and go wait somewhere else. He paused, however, when he heard a teacher raise their voice.

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