Chapter 2: Super Human

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"Welcome home, Shu-san," Yui greeted as I walked in the door.

"Mm," I grunted in acknowledgment. As much of pain as she could be sometimes, I don't detest her being around. Though she's not really my type, she can help take the edge off once in awhile. Heh. Much to her disliking.

I started making my way towards my room when Reiji stopped me.

"Shu, how long are you going to continue skipping class for? Does Father really have to send you to the North Pole again?"

Oh boy, here it comes.

He lectures me relentlessly although it comes off sounding like he wants me to fail. Typical.

"I'll go to class tomorrow. Will that make you happy, nii-san?" I chuckled with a smirk. He hates it so much when I call him that.

His eyebrow twitched but he exhaled and articulated firmly, "Just do it for all our sake. Take your status seriously for just once."

The next day---

At Reiji's request, I actually attended my classes today. It was currently the middle of English class so I took it upon myself to doze off for a little bit.

When the class ended, I made my way down the hall, passing the music room. From inside, I could hear a familiar song playing. It sounded like Ave Maria.

I lingered a moment to listen. It sounded like it was being sung by a student though I can't recall ever hearing her voice before. It was clear and resolute. The voice was soft but she had clear control of her breathes. The music was being played in b flat so she was clearly talented.

As the song ended, I turned to go my next class but not before eying the bulliten board next to the music room. On it were the list of the most accomplished music students. On the top of the list was me for my violin performances. And one notch below my name was a girls name, highly skilled as a vocalist and pianist. Ren Shizumi. It was a unique name although I had never seen her in person.

With one last look at the closed door to the music room, I trudged my way towards the science room.

After school I decided to go to the roof again. Told Reiji I was going to stay late tonight to catch up on some schoolwork. He probably knows that's a lie.

I inhaled a breath of fresh air and rested my head in my palm as I stretched my legs out. I closed my eyes and listened to my music.

Suddenly I felt a presence by my shoes. I opened one eye to peek at what it could be. I blinked and stared at the person sitting beside me, her knees pressed to her chest as she sat on the ground, despite her uniform skirt getting dirty.

She said nothing as I looked at her but she just shifted her eyes back and forth like she had something to say.

I exhaled and asked, "Can I help you with something?"

Her eyebrows furrowed into a pained expression as she struggled to utter out, "A-Are you super human or something?"

The abruptness of her question startled me about as much as hearing a voice come out of somebody that awkward.

"Yeah, let's go with that," I shrugged and leaned back into my comfy position.

She exhaled a sigh that almost sounded like relief before she leaned down against the wall behind us. She sat there quietly and didn't say another word for several minutes.

Why wasn't she leaving?

Well, whatever. It's not my job to advise her how to spend her time.

I continued to listen to my music. Curiously, I peeked one eye open to get a good look at this person.

She had messy long black hair and a round girlish face. Her bangs covered her hazel colored eyes slightly. Her body appeared very slender but was hidden beneath slightly baggy clothing.

She wasn't unattractive. A little plain but still cute.

It sort of made me wonder what happened to her to make her want to take her own life.

But once again, it's not really my business.

I hung around a little while longer, before finally deciding I should probably go. I sat up and muttered, "Later," before leaving.

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