Chapter 7: Reflections

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Shu's Perspective

A few hours passed while I watched over her, leaning back and dozing off to the musings of Beethoven. It was fairly late by the time she drowsily opened up her eyes.

She moaned a little before softly voicing, "Shu?"

Attentively, I pulled off one headphone and chastised, "You're really hopeless, you know that?"

She smiled somewhat guiltily, before commenting, "I didn't expect you to save me a second time, you know. And I have a name, you know."

She's got me there, I thought to myself. As of lately, these coincidental incidents were just piling up and every time, I end up over reaching. 

"Yeah, you have a name but you've never introduced yourself to me so I won't use it," I hummed a little playfully, "What happened anyway?"

She sighed and explains, "I had a fight with my parents. I told them I don't want to do competitions anymore. They practically disowned me as their daughter and threatened to kick me out. I decided to run away."

"I was okay the first few days on the streets, but then I was attacked by a stray dog. Then the weather got bad and I ended up feeling terrible," she articulated with a sigh.

She grew quiet after that as I thought about her endeavors by herself. She looked over at me, her eyes glazed over with a melancholic expression as she quietly admitted, "I'm rather envious of you, Shu."

I opened my mouth partially to ask why, but she took my dumbfounded facial expression as a reply before continuing to say, "Your boundless sense of personal freedom. The way you carry yourself with a complete sense of carelessness."

I laughed dryly at her comment, knowing she was referring to my laziness, before asking, "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Yeah, sort of. I like that part of you," she murmured as she laid back on the bed and dozed back into sleep. I watched her silently, my mind remembering fragments of my past. She was like a canary in a bird cage. She just wants to do as she pleases without any restrictions. It was amiable, really. I reached over and brushed some hair out of her face before whispering, "I don't dislike that part of you."

No one's Perspective

Ren awoke to the sounds of soft content and pleasant snores coming from beside her. Her eyes flickered open to see Shu's face peacefully sleeping just mere inches from her face. She blink in surprise but glanced around to see that she was in fact, still in Shu's bedroom.

"So it wasn't a dream," she whispered to herself as she scooted herself a little bit away from him. He must have gotten tired sitting beside her and fell asleep on his bed. She inhaled the scent wafting from the pillows and tensed inwardly. It had an aromatic scent that wasn't unpleasant in the slightest. She smiled with embarrassment at the thought of this situation. What was Shu thinking bringing her here?

She slid out from beneath the blankets and walked over to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She looked in the mirror and at her clothes. They were girls clothes and they fit for the most part but the shirt was little tight. For a moment, she wondered if they belonged to Yui Komori. Yui wasn't unheard of at their school, for her involvement with the Sakamaki's made her stand out greatly.

Ren reached for the faucet and turned it, running some warm water over her face before looking once more in the mirror and sighing at the thought of returning home. Her family life was just so detestable. Day after day, they'd make her study and practice music like a machine. And for the most part, she followed along in the beginning. But something had changed as she grew more successful. Her family no longer cared about her, as much as they cared about the fame she brought them.

That's how she ended up being enrolled in the Peak Emperor Academy senior high school in the first place. As an institution that housed celebrities and the children of large political and corporate figureheads, a musical prodigy was just another name to the list. For three years, she had studied there and nothing more. She had long observed her surroundings quietly and among those surroundings were the Sakamaki family.

While she never had spoke to any of them and had the presence of a background character, she had always found them to be fascinating. It was a large enough shock that it was Shu who had stepped in to save her from an untimely death.

That day, she had reached her limits. Her body was tired and her mind was filled with despair. She had gotten second place in her piano competition. She had worked tirelessly non stop without sleeping in order to place first in that competition and go on to the International Japan Piano Open. Her parents would have been thrilled if she had made it. But no matter how good she was, second place might as well as been considered last in the eyes of her family.

She pondered these things to herself as she wondered what she should do from this point on. She had managed to drag Shu into her own mess. She knows it was selfish to have bothered him up until this point, but in her mind, she really thought he could help her. After everything that happened with her family, she just wanted to be selfish for just a little while.

It felt dirty, almost as if she was using Shu for self-satisfaction. That wasn't how she wanted to turn out. She blinked in the mirror before finding her resolve.

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