Chapter 14: Punishment

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Ren hurriedly stormed down the hall until she was outside Shu's door. She had only spent maybe twenty minutes or so with Reiji but she had a bad feeling as she opened the door to find Shu laying on his bed, reading a book. He didn't look up as she walked in.

"Shu, you're awake," she commented, trying to lighten the mood since there appeared to be a very tense atmosphere, "I thought you would sleep a little longer since we stayed up talking so much last night."

"Hm," he huffed out, not really paying her any mind. Dissatisfied with his stand offish demeanor, she attempted to pry at him, "Is something the matter? You seem agitated."

"It's nothing," he remarked instantly, his eyes giving off a cold glare towards the wall.

They sat in silence for at least ten minutes before she voiced, "Shu, if something is bothering you, please say something."

He glanced up, his expression almost sinister as she smirked and said, "You would say something like that, wouldn't you?"

The air around him completely changed and before Ren could even blink, he was on top of her with his hand around her throat. He chuckled lowly as he admired her expression, commenting breathily, "That's a good look for you. The first real sense of fear on your face since I met you."

"S-Shu," Ren gasped, completely taken aback by his complete and utter disregard for her human fragility. He shifted his weight before whispering lowly in her ear, "You're pretty shameless, aren't you? You really are a slutty woman entering another man's room late at night."

"The look in your eyes right now is really doing something for me," he breathed out as he licked his lips and clenched tighter on her throat, "You probably knew this would happen. In fact, I'm sure you wanted it to happen. You're such a vile masochist waltzing into a den of blood suckers. So filthy...but the taste is to die for."

He buried his face in her chest, sinking his fangs into her collarbone. She yelped from the pain of him biting so close to the bone while he drank heavily. As he drank, his fingers danced across her stomach before ripping her pajama shirt open with one hand, the other still clenched on her throat. Tears poured out of her eyes as she whimpered, "S-Shu....I'm...sorry..."

"Sorry? For what? Did Reiji do something to you that you should feel guilty for?" he scowled, licking his lips of the blood that dripped down. His eyes narrowed as he released her throat abruptly. She coughed and gasped for several minutes before shakily reaching out for him.

He backed away, unsure of what she was trying to do. She continued forward, her face covered by her hair as she tried to reach out and grab his hand.

"What are you doing?" he asked, still trying to avoid her movements towards him.

"You..." she whispered heavily, her voice hoarse from his earlier choke-hold, "You....deserve better."

"I'm...sorry," she cried out, before throwing her arms around him and embracing him while crying. Shu's face twisted in confusion as he pushed her off of him and growled, "Nothing you do ever makes any sense. Why are you consoling me? What kind of mentality do you have to do these types of things?"

Ren wiped at the tears on her face in attempt to stop them from flowing but they kept coming out as she told him, "Shu, you deserved so much better than you were given."

"I underestimated you...Shu is really amazing for doing it all by himself for all these years," she admitted tearfully, "All this time, you were alone and here I was thinking only about myself. I was selfish for wanting to know more about Shu."

Shu stared at her in utter disbelief. He had inflicted pain on her and degraded her only for her to turn around and apologize and express how amazing he is for enduring loneliness. Shu was dumbfounded...but a tiny bit touched by her sheer disregard for own well being. There were very few humans who were capable of such selflessness, but she was on a whole other level.

"You're..." he started to say before touching her face with his hand, "something else. Out of this world even. Just...what makes you so...unpredictable?"

He pushed her down so she was laying on her back as he hovered above her and stared at her, as if trying to comprehend just what makes her so strange. She opened her mouth to say more but couldn't as she was overwhelmed at how much blood she lost in a short amount of time, closing her eyes to rest. She breathed heavily as Shu leaned over her, inhaling her scent. His agitation had subsided as he gazed at her sleeping form, a sense of relief slowly washing over him as he regained his senses.

"This must be your super power..." he whispered lowly in her ear as he leaned down over her unconscious body and pressed his lips to hers, "Goodnight, Ren..."

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