Chapter 6: Disappearance

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Shu's perspective

I hadn't seen or heard from Ren in well over a week since I drank her blood in the music room. A part of me should've figured that she would probably be put off by that. I wasn't really sulking about it. But it was rather unusual that she wasn't showing up any of her classes either.

I had overheard the teachers chatting about it earlier how their promising music student has disappeared just days before the competition. None of them seemed as worried for her personal state as much as they were just worried about their reputations. Typical.

The weather had been rainy all week and today, I was feeling rather sluggish. I was heading the direction of the limousine when Reiji stopped me in my tracks.

"Shu, make yourself useful and go get these things from the store in town," he demanded, shoving a paper list at him. I sighed with a dull expression and said, "You're so petty, you know that? Don't you?"

Reiji scoffed and ignored my comment before stating, "I expect you to arrive home around 6. Don't be late."

With that, he turned around and started walking away. Looking at the long list of things he wanted me to buy, it was clear he was trying to agitate me. I hate crowds. I hate moving around needlessly. What better way to get under my skin?

I shook my head and inhaled before trudging along the path towards the small town. It was pouring rain outside, but I didn't bring an umbrella so I begrudging walked, getting soaked along the way, Sighing heavily, I picked up my pace. I didn't want to prolong this outing more than necessary.

I walked for a while until the store was within eyesight. As I was about to enter, I caught a whiff of something sweet in the air. It smelled like blood. It must have been nearby because my senses were going crazy. I approached a nearby alley to check out where the smell was coming from. That was when I saw her.

She was curled up in a ball behind a dumpster, soaking wet from the rain. On her leg was a huge gash that had remnants of dried blood surrounding it. Her eyes were closed but she was breathing heavily.

"Oi, get a hold of yourself," I grunted as I grabbed her by her shoulders to try and shake her awake. Her eyes didn't open so I touched her face with my hand. Her skin was burning up from a fever.

I looked around and contemplated whether or not I should take her to a hospital before sighing exasperatedly. That would be far more effort than I was willing to make.

I'll just take her back to our place and figure things out from there. I grabbed her frail body and lifted her up before using my powers to get us home swiftly without being seen.

As I entered the mansion, Yui was already there to greet me. Her eyes widened when she saw me with Ren collaped in my arms.

"Oh my god, Shu, what happened?" She asked worriedly as she ran over to us.

"I found her in an alley. She's got a high fever and a possibly infected wound on her leg," I answered quickly, already making my way towards my bedroom. Yui trailed closely behind as she stated, "I'll grab some dry clothes."

I nodded before entering my room and heading towards the bathroom where I placed her on the floor and began unbuttoning her shirt to remove the wet clothes.

Midway through, Yui appeared with the spare clothes and gasped, "Shu! What are you doing? Leave it to me to get her dried off and changed. Go get some medicine or something from Reiji."

"Huh?" I grumbled out, "I don't see the big deal in doing this. You see one naked woman, you've seen them all."

Yui blushed and muttered, "Shu-san, she's still a girl and I feel a strong obligation to protect her chastity when she's unconscious like this."

I gave her an unimpressed look before mumbling, "Do whatever you want then."

I stood up and exhaled before traversing through the hall ways toward Reiji's room. Honestly, this was too troublesome. The last thing I ever wanted to do was ask this guy for a favor, especially when it comes to things involving outsiders.

I groaned out loud and knocked on his door. He opened it swiftly and in seeing me, squinted his eyes suspiciously.

"What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?" He remarked with a smirk. Ugh, here we go.

"I need to ask you for something."

"Okay, should I be concerned at this point that you would ask me for anything?" He inquired pointedly, his eyes narrowing.

"There's an unconscious human girl from our school in my room right now and her fever won't go down. She also has a bad wound on her leg that might be antagonizing the fever. I thought you might have a potion or something that could help."

"A human girl from our school? Why would you bring here here?" he shook his head before adding with a snicker, "Since when was the last time you cared about a human? I thought we nipped that nasty habit of yours in the past."

"Believe me, you're the last person I wanted to ask for this. Just help this once and I'll do whatever," I snapped back. Reiji was a very petty individual. I knew he would make this difficult.

"I might have something that could work," he murmured thoughtfully before disappearing to grab a vile off the shelf. I raised my eyebrows, surprised that it didn't take as much effort as usual. Perhaps, it's because she goes to our school that he wouldn't want anything to disrupt our 'normal' lives.

"Here," he said while shoving the bottle in my direction, "it'll get rid of the fever and infection. Just take it and go."

I swallowed and much against my sense of pride uttered, "Thanks," before taking off towards my room.

I presented the bottle to Yui who had just finished cleaning Ren up in the bath. Now dressed in some of Yui's clothes, I could see just how pale she looked. She still was heaving heavy breathes in and out. I lifted her up and carried her to my bed and laid her down. Yui crept over to the other side and grabbed the bottle and handed it to me and said, "She's still mostly unconscious so you'll need to get her to drink it."

I stared at her for a moment before understanding what she was implying. But before I did anything, I commanded her to go get some cooling pads and some bandage from the first aid kit. She nodded and scurried out of the room.

With the vile in hand, I popped it open, taking a mouthful in before I leaned over Ren's face, lifting her head up just a little bit before placing my mouth on hers to feed it to her directly. As I pulled away, she coughed as the liquid slid down her throat.

I waited a moment to make sure that Reiji didn't actually give me some sort of poison in which to get rid of the problem. She seemed, however, to finally have settled her breathing.

I sighed in mild relief as I watched her sleep for a little while. Just then, Yui came back in with bandages and cooling pad. I stuck one of the cooling pads to her forehead and used the bandage to wrap up her leg.

"Wow Shu-san, I don't think I've ever seen you do this much for someone else," Yui commented out loud, "She must be pretty special for you to do that."

"She's an enormous pain in the ass is what she is," I complained while checking her pulse a few more times to ensure she's actually breathing.

Yui smiled an almost patronizing smile at me in response as she said, "That must be really great."

"Shut up, you're annoying," I argued, no longer interested in her commentary as I directed at her, "Make sure the others don't find out she's here. They might smell her blood and try to come in here, but keep them out the best you can."

"I'll try," she agreed hesitantly before adding, "But why keep it a secret?"

"I just don't want her involved with us is all. We are vampires," I explained, feeling that those words alone should speak for themselves. With a reluctant sigh, she nodded and headed out.

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