Lesson Twenty-Three

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Lesson Twenty-Three - The Most Dangerous Person Is The One Who Listens, Thinks And Observes.

Bullets were flying everywhere. I was pressed to the ground behind my car with Riker basically lying on top of me firing bullets back. I could feel his heartbeat doing 90 through his chest. His wasn't out of panic like mine though, his was through adrenaline.

I could hear Sky screaming from inside the car and it made my blood run cold. I wanted to do nothing but get up and get in the car with her, to comfort her. She had been through so much lately and now this was happening. I had a feeling though that me and Sky weren't the target. It was Riker and possibly my brother.

Soon I could hear another set of tires coming towards us and looked under my car to see that it was my brothers Ferrari. He slid the car to a stop between mine and the SUV stopping most of the bullets from getting anywhere near us.

"Are you ok?" Riker quickly looked me over as I nodded. When he seen I was fine he quickly got up off me reloading his gun. I looked at him like he was crazy, we should be trying to get out of here not him going out their to continue fighting.

"Lyra!" I heard my brother shouting as he fired bullets in the direction of the SUV. "Get out of here with Sky we've got this!"

Was he fucking crazy? I've been through situations like this before as sad as it sounds. I did go out with Zane Knight after all. My life was always at risk when I was around him. Now it seems like it was no different.

I grabbed the car keys that were in my front pocket and quickly scrambled to my feet getting to the door of my car. A bullet flew past my head and and froze for a second. So easily I could've been dead right there.


Riker's voice snapped me out of it and I ran to the door and got in. I was so happy all of our cars were bulletproof. My dad always took our safety as main priority. I always thought he was over protective but now I loved the man even more for it.

Looking over at Sky I could see that she had her head down as she sat in the seat. Her hands were covering her ears and her face wet from tears. I needed to get her out of here.

Starting the engine I looked up and seen Riker and Damon hiding behind his own car. I still couldn't see who was in the SUV but I guessed that was the point. Then it clicked, I couldn't leave them here. That wasn't who I was.

"Sky." I said shaking her to try and get her attention on me. "Sky!" I shouted when she ignored me the first time. This time her head snapped up and looked at me.

"What?" She asked flinching when another bullet hit the car.

"Swap with me."

I could see the confusion on her face but I was already leaning over to get into the passenger side. Quickly she climbed over leaving me on the passenger side. I put my hand under the seat feeling around trying to find the gun that would be hiding under there. I knew my dad to well to know there would be one under here.

"What are you doing?" Asked Sky placing both her hands on the wheel. She seemed to have calmed down a bit now that I was in here with her.

"Trying to-" My hand finally wrapped around the gun and I pulled it out. It was just a simple handgun but that's all I needed. I loaded it with the bullets and clicked it closed.

"What are you going to do?"

"Drive around so that the boys can jump in, the tires on Damon's car have been shot. They can't get away in that. We need to help them."

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