Lesson Forty-Two

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Lesson Forty-Two - Give The World A Reason To Remember Your Name.

Ever wondered how many things can happen in a space of second? Well I can tell you now a hell of a lot.

As soon as Riker had opened the door I could hear the sounds of guns clicking in our direction. I turned my own gun to the sound and seen that I was correct there was six people in the room and one of them was my mother.

I paid no attention to the others as I took in the sight of my mom. Her face was covered in tears making her makeup look like a mess on her face. She looked like she hadn't slept in days and had a busted lip. Her clothes were ripped and she had no shoes on. Tied to a chair I could see that her wrists were raw red along with her feet that were tied to the legs of the chair. It was clear to me that she had been in that position for a while.

Turning my attention back to the other people in the room I seen red. Who the hell did they think they were doing this to my mom. My mom was a simple person who didn't have anything to her name. She was spoilt, yes. She also acted like the goddam queen but without my father or Riker's dad she would have nothing. Which meant only one thing. She was taken to try and get to either my family or Riker's. The more clear option was that they were trying to get to mine. They have just pissed off the wrong girl though. I wasn't about to lay down and roll over for them like they wanted.

"Who the fuck are youse?" Yelled one of the men. He was a balding man who looked to be in his late forties. He was differently older than the rest by a mile. If I was to guess anything he was the one in charge at the moment.

"We should be asking you that. What the hell are you doing with my mom?" Taking a step closer to my mom all of their attention turned to me. Was kind of hoping it wouldn't but what else could I expect in honesty. I wanted my mom and they wanted to keep her.

"I don't think that's any of your business, kid."

Taking another step closer to my mom I watched as her head snapped up and looked at me. Watching the tears stream down her face made my heart break. My mom wasn't built to deal with this shit. She tried to call out to me but her mouth was covered by tape stopping her from speaking a word but I knew what she was doing. She was calling out my name. Begging me to help her.

"I think it is my business." I said standing behind my mom's chair. My gun was still firmly pointed at the older man and I could see Riker glancing from me to him every couple of seconds. He had other things to deal with though. There was still four more idiots in the room. "She is my mom after all."

"Don't care kid. I'm just doing what I was ordered to do and you are getting in my way."

Watching the man start to walk towards me I called out. "You really don't want to come any closer to me."

The man stopped in his tracks and let out a laugh. "And why the hell not. Your just a teenage girl who is in way over her head right now."

"And I don't think you understand who the hell I am." I said firing my gun at his foot. It hit right where I wanted it to. He wouldn't be walking anywhere for a while and I couldn't stop a smirk from crossing my face as I heard him scream out in pain.

"YOU BITCH!" He screamed out as he grabbed his foot in pain. I watched as two of the other men ran over to him to help. The probably was the other two they were even more on guard now after that. I had lowered my gun though showing I wasn't going to do the same trick twice. A risky move I know but I needed them to relax again. That shot was just a warning.

"No I'm Lyra Anderson and I'm far worse than any bitch that you can cross. So let's not insult my name right now."

Stepping around my mother I stood in front of her and looked down at the man on the ground. The two guys that were helping him helped him to stand and pointed there guns with their free hands back at me. I knew there was a 50/50 chance I was getting shot at right now but I didn't care. I was pissed off.

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