Lesson Thirty-One

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Lesson Thirty-One - Family First No Matter What. They Don't Need To Be Blood Though Remember That.

I'm pissed off. I mean royally pissed off. I seem to be just a bad tempered bitch lately but people just keep annoying me. It was official. I needed to go and live on some abandoned island, far, far away from everyone. It was the only way to make sure human population survived.

I knocked my car down a gear as I took over one of the many cars on the street, cars honking at me at every turn. I didn't care though, I was well past caring.

I could see Ashley's car clearer as I got closer and closer behind her. I needed to come up with my next move and quick. I knew I said I would jump the bridge but even I had to think if it was worth it. Even I had to admit it was probably a fluke I survived the last time. I wouldn't tell others that though, I would jump it again if I had to.

If I was to avoid the bridge I would need to take the next left. Looking at Ashley's car once I knew she wouldn't take the risk. So I wouldn't either. I wanted this to be a fair match even if we did just take short cuts not that long ago. The only reason I wanted it to be fair was so that she wouldn't whine like a little bitch when I won this race.

Getting ready to turn I slowed down slightly to let Ashley get around the corner first. There was no point in letting her car hit me on the way around. The girl was unpredictable when it came to things like that and I wasn't risking it.

A few seconds later I looked on stunned as she went straight not even thinking about taking the turn. This move changed the whole game plan.

Knocking on the screen on the dash board Zoe's face popped up and she looked pissed off. Her mood completely changed though when she noticed I had came back on.

"Lyra! What the hell, do you know the mood Riker is now in."

I couldn't give a damn about his mood. "I need you to look up if there is anymore routes around the bridge."

"I thought you didn't want help." She gloated but I seen from the corner of my eye she was doing what I asked.

"Just do it."

I knew the answer already though. Growing up around these streets meant I knew every corner and every stone. Knowing that, it was pretty obvious that Ashley was going to jump it. I wasn't going to lie I didn't think the girl would ever have the balls to do it.

"There isn't another route unless you turn back." Spoke Zoe after a few seconds of silence. "Do you plan on jumping it still?"

"I wasn't going to." I bit out dodging an upcoming car. "But Ashley is by the looks of it and I can't beat her if I don't."

"Is that bitch crazy?" Asked Zoe with nothing but doubt on her face. "It doesn't sound like something she would do."

"No it doesn't....." I said trailing off. None of this sounds like anything Ashley would do. She is crazy but not a big risk taker and she's taking every one of them right now. I wouldn't believe she was driving that car if I hadn't seen her at the start of the race. Unless.....

"Lyra you need to turn around..."

"Zoe we've been through this I'm jumping it so either shut up and go away." I bit back, I was stick of them trying to tell me what to do.

"No seriously Lyra, you need to turn around. They are raising the bridge straight up its a massive cargo ship passing through."

I didn't even have time to register what she had said my body just asked on impulse. Slamming my breaks hard and pulling the hand break up I turned the car as quickly as I could. The tires screeched along the hard ground and I could feel the pressure through the steering wheel. I needed to go around and Ashley was the least of my problems now. The other cars would've took the left turn by now so I was no behind them.

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