Lesson Forty-Seven

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Lesson Forty-Seven - The Toughest Times Bring The Right People Together.


Fear could mess with your head more than anything else in this world. The fear of failure, the fear of dying. Even the fear of walking down the street sometimes just because you've had enough of what life throws your way. Everyone had some type of fear no matter how much and how well you tried to hide it. Even I had fear, I wasn't perfect but I knew how to hide it so well. My father had taught me that you fake confidence until fear is nothing but something you left in the past. It was words I had lived by from I was a child. It was the words that was going to get me through my crazy life.

Standing here right now with a gun pointed against my forehead I felt nothing. My emotions had completely blanked it. My mind at one point had screamed that I should get out of the way that I shouldn't be standing here in front of the line of fire. The other side of my mind won though. The side that told me I needed to protect those around me. I need Oliver to keep his attention on me and away from the others. My fear completely left when I knew I had others to protect, it always did. Fear was nothing but something that sometimes got in the way and you just needed to tell it fuck off. That you didn't have time for the shit that fear brought to your life.

Oliver's dull brown eyes told me a different story about fear. I could see the fear of not knowing what his next move was going to be. I could see his mind thinking about all the possible outcomes if he was to shot me right now. I could see the fear of him not being able to escape or worse losing his life right here and right now. He didn't have that control to tell himself to calm down and think straight. That's how I knew I was going to come out of this on top.

"You might want to lower that gun before you do something you'd regret." My voice was low as I spoke but my words sharp and commanding. There had been to much silence. Silence was deafening in a moment like this. I need sounds, it helped keep my mind at bay. Silence was the enemy.

Watching his fist tighten around the gun I had a clear view of his knuckles turning white. I kept my eyes focused on him letting myself acknowledging the gun properly for the first time. I didn't let the fear creep up and take control. There was no place for fear in a situation like this, it wouldn't help anybody.

I could see the inner battle he was having through his eyes. Eyes were the window to the soul and I could see everything through those eyes of his.

Slowly he started to lower his gun keeping on eye on me and the other on Riker. I didn't know why he thought that Riker was a bigger threat than Zane and my brother but I didn't question it in that moment. I had other things to deal with.

The silence was ruined when I heard footsteps walking towards us. In the darkness of the night I couldn't see anything behind the headlights of the cars. I kept my heartbeat at bay having a feeling that I didn't need to fear what was to come. I braced myself for anything anyway letting my hand tighten around the gun that was in my hand. You could never be to careful in a situation like this. I might have won the battle with Oliver but the war wasn't over. Not until everyone here that was on my side had walked away from this in one piece.

The true war wasn't here in this moment, it would come at a later time.

"You wear a crown that's for sure, Lyra."

The voice was as smooth as silk and I knew that voice. It was a voice I was never going to forget.

Nisha Brooks.

She stepped into my sight wearing a black classy dress and heels. It was clear that she was ready to go somewhere important with her hair falling down in curls down her back her bright amber eyes looking at me carefully. Eyes that looked so simple to my own. Not in colour as they were nothing like my lightening blue eyes. It was the sense of control and courage that was hidden in them. Those eyes told me that she would do anything to get what she wanted, when she wanted it and that was all I needed to know.

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