Lesson Forty-Three

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Lesson Forty-Three - Only Look Back To See How Far You've Come.

"Zane you better answer your fucking phone before I hunt you down and hang you by a rope!" I screamed down the speaker on my phone as I was once again sent to voicemail. I didn't care how crazy I sounded right now. I had passed crazy a long time ago, I was now turning insane. I have had it enough of Zane's shit.

"Why are you screaming at your ex boyfriend now?"

Snapping my head over to the door of the study room I watched as my twin brother Damon walked in. He looked a lot better with his good nights sleep and even though he wouldn't admit it, even he was worried about our mother when she was captured. After all you can't hate someone if they were dead.

"Nothing it doesn't matter." I said putting my phone away. He didn't need to know what had happened at Zane's house. When we brought our mom home we gave them all some messed up story about how we found her down near the river and that she had no memory of what happened. Who ever this Nisha Brooks woman was I didn't need Damon or any of my family for that matter butting in. The less they knew right now the better.

"How's mom?" I asked trying to change the subject.

My brother seemed thoughtful for a moment before speaking. I knew that my plan had worked me screaming bloody murder at Zane down the phone was long forgotten about.

"Fine." He said shrugging his shoulders like he didn't care but I knew he did. He could lie to the rest of the world all he wanted but I was his twin sister we always knew each others truths but I let it go. There was no need to bring something up that I knew would just anger him.

It made me think about what would happen if he knew the truth. What would he think or say if he knew Rachael wasn't really our mom. What if he knew that somewhere out there, there was a woman who left us to be raised by or father and woman who didn't even give birth to us. Our mom took us on and raised us like we were her own. Yes the woman was crazy and selfish at times but she also made us into who we are today. I don't know about you but I love who I am because of her and dad.


My attention snapped back to my brother who was looking at me with a frown. It was clear he was talking about something and I didn't hear a word about it. That wouldn't be the first time though. He didn't listen to half the things I said either.


"Did you really find mom down by the river?" He knew I was lying, he could always tell when I was lying.


I could see the defeated look on his face and it broke my heart a bit to know I was lying to him and he knew it. I couldn't let him know the truth though. My brother was a wild card when it came to his emotions. Until I knew ever detail there was no need to bring him into this.

"Come on let's get to school. It Monday lets start another week of this shit." Grabbing my schoolbag I walked over to the door expecting my brother to follow. He didn't make a move though.

"I'll met you later. I'm going to met some friends." Pushing past me he made his way out the door before me not even bothering to say bye or even look me in the eyes. I just sighed and let him go. There was no need to go after him. He would get over it.

"What's wrong with him?" Asked Sky as she walked over to me and watching my brother go. Her light blue eyes watching my brother with concern. The two of them have been getting close lately. They were stupid if they thought I hadn't noticed.

"What's ever right with him. Come on let's go."

Sky looked up at me and grinned hooking her arm in with mine as we walked through my grand home. I knew Sky, she wanted something. Sky was a naturally sweet person but she was acting overly sweet right now as she made short conversations with me as we walked to my car. Frankly it amused me and made me forget completely about everything that had been going on.

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