Nightmares,and Fights (10)

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Hey guys so sorry its has been a while since I last posted. I wanted to put up some more but I had forgot them and wouldn't be back for a month. Now I am back though and ready to give you guys some chapters filled with suspense! enjoy!




They came from everywhere, they were these massive wolves taking over the streets all coming towards me. There was no way I could out rub these werewolves, there was no defending myself because one to one hundred was not in my favour. I back up slowly to the car and opened the door. I got into the car and fumbled for the keys, I lookee in the rear view mirror, they had broke into a run. Where were those damn keys!!? I finally reached them when a wolf jumped onto the hood of my car. I started the engine and drove as fast as I could. Wolves hit the car and went flying but the one on the hood wouldn't shake off. Then another one was holding onto my window. I swerved as much as I could to try and take them off but they tore away the metal frame.

"NO!" I screamed as they began to claw at my skin, before I knew it I was dead.

I woke up screaming drenched in my sweat. Did I just have a.nightmare because of the legend?


A week passed and during that time period I had three re-occuring nightmares all linked to the legend. One time Trent was in it, only he wasn't there to help me he was there to murder me. They never got better, never stopped. I no longer want to close my eyes because I know in seconds I'll be trapped in a dream of my own death.

When I wake up I stare at the mirror, the window, ceiling and even door because once I've dreamt it I don't want to sleep again. Luckily it only happens once a night.

Why is the legend haunting me in my sleep? Is it a message that in the near future that is going to be me?

"Rosa! Get down here, you've got school!" Yelled my father.

He becomes more irritating everyday I swear it. "Coming jeez!" I yell annoyed as I come down stairs.

My father looks at me while I come downstairs. "Come on!" He yells as if he doesn't notice my presence. I roll my eyes push past him and grab my car keys. "No I'm driving you. Give me the keys." He says hand out stretched towards me.

"No its my car." I say.

"Rosa give me the car keys."

"Its. My. Car!" I yell in protest.

"Rosa!!!" He yells. I throw my car keys making him pick them up. I huff and storm off into the passengers side of my jeep. My father comes outside and steps into tje car slamming his door.

I put my music on and pull my knees up onto the dashboard. "Rosa put your feet down." He demanded. I throw my feet to the ground, and he shuts off the music. "Silence and communication is all we need." I roll my eyes and mumble 'my car'.

"We've got to pick up Trent." I say as we drive down the road.

"No we dont, and we're not." He says eyes locked on the road.

"I always pick up Trent." I say loud.

"Well not today!" He says even louder.

I text Trent saying he had to drive himself because my father is driving me and refuses to pick him up. Trent replys with and I understand.

"Stop texting, its distracting." My father tells me.

"I'm not driving you are. It doesn't matter."

"Its distracting put it away!" I put my phone away and stare out my window. I am so pissed off at my father, and when he dropped me off at school I slamed the door in his face. He smiles as if delighted.

I walk into school passing Janice and the Barbie dolls, some things I guess are to good to be true. Janice and I aren't going to be friends again. I kept walking towards my locker where Trent was waiting. "Morning." He said and kissed me.

"Morning." I say still sounding pissy.

"What is it?" Trent asks as I open my locker.

"Urgh. My father! He seems to find a delight in my hating him. Like its his energy source or something." I say slamming my locker shut.

"Are you sure?"

"Possitive." I reply. Leaning against my locker I watch my classmates walk by, Trent holds my hand as my comfort source. "I just want back." I say sniffling trying to hold back tears. Trent pushes my hair back and whispers , "she's always here." Then he kisses my cheek and walks me to class.

I say goodbue amd take my seat Mr. Ebby watches Trent leave and then looks at me I notice Janice has already taken her seat beaide me.

"You two are by far the cutest couple in Beaton." She says giggling.

"Uh thanks, I guess." If only you knew the real reason we were like this I thought to myself. Then we'd be the horror couple.

I pull out my geography textbook and notebook preparing for the lesson. "You know Lexie is jealour of you and Trent. She wishes she had him instead of Brian." She explains.

I was surprised to hear Lexie was jealous, I thought she had everything. I mean seriously she has the perfecg parents, rich and in love, numerous cars , a million clothes and a football playing boyfriend. But then again Bruan is an ass sometimes... most times. "Would've never guessed." I said laughing.

"Yeah but she doesn't like admitting it, she..." She paused.

"Hates me. I know." I knew Lexie hated me ever since year six when a boy wamted to be my partner and not hers. Then when the attacked happened she just hated me more for some reason. She's head of the "Barbie pops".

"Well...yeah. she doesn't like me talking to you." She says as if sounding guilty for now talking to me.

"She can't control you, you know." I said to Janice but I knew that she would take what I said pretty lighrly, because Lexie can control you. She can makr you an outsider. I know.

Janice nodded and looked at Mr.Ebby who had begun his lesson. Oh poor Janice I thiught. Maybe she was always my friend and Lexie just threatened her, I mean she does do that. Janice was never meant to be a fake Barbie, a shadow of Lexie, she needed to be her own self. But Janice is a follower not a leader, she can't see her potential to take Lexie down, if only she could see it.

When class ended I ran into Lexie ironically. "Leave Janice alone, she doesn't want to be your friend." Lexie said.

"You know what Lexie I dont give a crap anymore. You go on controlling everyone but not me, not anymore."

"Leave Janice alone, or else." She said looming over me in her high heels. Oooohhhhh I was scared now.

"Rosa?" Asks Trent from behind me. I turn to face him.

"Hi Trent." Lexie says sweetly while twirling her blond hair. Trent ignored her. She then walked inbetween us glaring at me.

"What was that about?" Asked Trent.

"Just Lexie being Lexie. " I said annoyed. "Can we leave?" I asked Trent.

"School?" Trent asked and I nodded. "Why not lets go." He said and grabbed his bag along with my hand. We laughed as we ran down the halls. This is what I needed, I needed to get away from everything for a day.

Ok so thats the end of chapter ten! Hope you enjoyed and dont forget to check out the other chapters posted!

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