Passion in the art of Training (15)

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Hey guys been awhile, anyways Happy Early Christmas!!! I was thinking of posting this Christmas eve night but I decided Id give you an early treat because Scars of A Wolf has been getting some great read numbers. And you guys are just out right amazing!!! So enough of my talk you want the chapter...well here it is! !






Another full moon has come. Since I am in no comtrol of my transformation Trent and I are again in a cellar, and I am chained.

"Will it hurt less this time?" I ask Trent as I lay my head on his shoulders.

"It gets easier over time." He says and kisses my forehead. Not directly answering my question.

Its been days since Rafiel and members of his pack have come to Beaton. I know eventually we will have to leave. That its not safe. How has my life come to this? The day of the attack I knee my life had changed, but I never expected it to come to this. A murderous father, legends, werewolves, and much death. As a little girl I remember playong with my Barbie dolls and saying I was going to be like her. Now I guess everything is different. I'm not the little girl I used to be. I'm not even the same girl I was a year ago.

I look at Trent and smile, because I know that from now on anything that changes in my life he will always be here. "What?"He asks smiling.

I whisper "nothing" and pull his face lightly towards mine. Kissing him. His fingers float across my arm and up to my neck.

He kisses me softly even though his face is rough with stuble. My hamds make their way to his chest when I grab a hamdful of his shirt and scream. "Fuck." I mumble under my breath. I drop to my hands amd knees. My finger nails digging into the rocks and sand.

The pain is like last time. Everything is blurry, words spoken like murmrs, my body breaking amd numb with pain. I can feel my ribs one by one. I arch my back off the ground in pain. Then quicker than last tine I feel my heart explode taking my breath away. When my eyes open everything is red for a moment then it blurs into reality.

"Piece of cake." I send to Trent mentally. I see a smile take over his face and a laugh escapes. "What no wolf for you tonight?" I ask him because he is still in human form.

"I didn't feel it. Plus I wanted to see you like this with my own eyes." I understamd the meaning behind his words. As a werewolf things chamges amd you see things differently, but you cannot mistake the fear in my eyes.


I can feel his eyes on me, even in my sleep I feel his gaze; Cytal. Once Trent and I got home I saw him from the corner of my eye. He stared at me until we got inside. Now even while I'm sleeping I feel his dark eyes searching for me, watching me carefully. Cytal from the beginning was silent but now his silent stares eat at me. What had I done wrong?

I gather a couple hours of sleep before I actually start my day. When I wake up Trent is gone. The blankets are rough from my nightmares taking over, and my body glistens with sweat.

I toss the blankets onto the other side of the bed and walk down the stone hallway towards the bathroom. "Rosa." I hear as a whisper and I whip my head around to see no one. I walk back towards the living room just to check, and still no one. I turn to head to the bathroom and feel like I've hit comcrete. I tilt my head up from the wall of dark muscle to see Cytal's face. His dark eyes squint down at me. I run my fingers through my hair amd say, "Hello."

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