2. I Get Splattered In The Face With White Paint

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"Rosa, I'm going to Home Depot to get some paint!"

"Don't talk to strangers and don't do drugs! And let me know if you need me to transfer some money to you!"

I shut the door behind me and chuckled. I talk to strangers all the time...well, the strangers on Tumblr are now my best friends.

Walking out of the building, I got in my car and pulled out of the parking spot. Yay, I can't wait to drive to my least favorite store.

Once I arrived, I parked and went inside. The Saturday afternoon breeze blew my hair before I entered the automatic sliding doors. A kid was crying, begging his mother to leave and buy McDonald's and I cringed. Kids are terrible little gremlins.

I roamed through Home Depot until I found the aisle where they keep all the paint samples. Starry Night is going on my wall yet again. I can't find another painting that I like as much as that one. While browsing the options, I picked out some different shades of blue, yellow, white, black, and some colors for the little houses at the bottom.

The guy who mixes the paint gave me a weird look once I told him the colors I wanted.

"Are you doing a project or something?" he asked. 


He shrugged and took down the number of each of the colors. "It'll take about 20 minutes for these."

"Okay, I'll be back later then."

He didn't answer so I left to explore. Home Depot is so...boring. I always hated coming here with Papi. The only thing that brings me some joy in this store is when I look at the different colors of paint.

The minutes went by as I walked around aimlessly. I found myself back to the paint section but I bumped into someone. Something splashed on my face, almost getting in my eye.

"Ah!" I gasped, closing my eyes. "What the hell?"

"Shit!" a deep voice cursed. "I didn't see you there."

I wiped whatever splattered on my face and snapped my eyes open to find a tall, blond-haired and green-eyed man looking down at me. Honestly, he could pour the entire bucket full of paint on me and I'd say thank you.

He had an orange apron on him, he must work here.

"I-it's okay," I said. "It was my fault."

He placed the open bucket of paint down, pulling out a clean rag and handed it to me. I thanked him as I wiped off the paint and read his name tag. 

"Sure, it was totally my bad. I shouldn't be walking around with an open bucket of paint," he said. "I'm Luca by the way."

"I know. I read your name tag."

Luca looked down at the tag. "Oh...right."

"Well, thanks again," I said, handing him the rag. "I should get going now." 

Sorry, man. You're hot, but I got things to do.

"Right, yeah," he said and got out of my way and nodded. But then he pointed at my sweater. "Montclair State University? That's my school."

All of a sudden, I forgot I had paint waiting for me to purchase. "That's great! I start this month!"

"You're a freshman?"


Luca smiled. "I'm a junior, I can show you around campus if you want. Unless you already took the tour then..."

I shook my head. "Show me around. I need to freshen my memory anyway."

That made him happy and it sure made me excited too. 

"Cool, but a pretty girl like you needs to give me her number first." 

I rolled my eyes and laughed, sliding a pen from the little pocket on the chest of his apron and took his arm.

"My name's Historia," I said as I wrote my number on his arm.

"My Spanish isn't that great but I'm pretty sure your name translates to 'history', right?"

I mean, obviously? It's literally in my name. His Spanish definitely isn't great. And I'm sure historia isn't just Spanish. 

I told him yes anyway as I wrote the last number of my digits. Once I was done, I slid his pen back into his pocket. "Maybe I can teach you more Spanish, in exchange for showing me around campus."

Luca's fair cheeks flushed red. "That would be awesome."

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