6. The Most Important Part

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I've been in the middle of many awkward moments in my life. 

Most involving me. 

Like that one time when I worked in retail at Forever 21, I was getting trained to use the cash register, even though it told me how much I need to give back, my mind went blank and all of a sudden I didn't know how to count change and my boss had to help me. 

That was with my first customer, luckily I got the hang of it and counted change like it was easier than the ABCs. I know how to give change back, it's the math that's the problem. Thank goodness the cash register tells you everything. 

The worst awkward moment isn't even the worst anymore, what happened tonight earns that title.

And I think I'm the only one that sees it.

They were literally joking around like best friends. Do they not understand how weird this makes me feel? I saw them in the middle of having sex and here they are, gossiping about their co-workers like they were in college.

"I asked her if she was pregnant." Alexio grinned evilly. 

My sister gasped, almost choking on her skittles. "What did she say?"

Alexio stood up from the stool and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator. "She said yes, so I asked her who's the father."

Rosa threw her head back and laughed. "No you did not!"

My head turned back and forth as they spoke. Even I find this interesting. We all have one thing in common, spilling the tea. I always love hearing gossip because it never involves me. 

"I did." Alexio shrugged, taking a sip of his beer and leaning his back on the counter. "And she said she doesn't know."

My jaw dropped. Don't they have certain precautions to avoid this kind of thing? Rosa told me that the women in this industry have to take birth control pills so they could have sex without a condom. It involves something about creampies, she didn't explain what that was after I asked her. 

"That's really sad though," Rosa sighed heavily. "And it's too late to abort it. Her baby bump is already showing."

Alexio nodded. "Well, I never fucked her so I'm safe."

They both laughed and Alexio continued. "I just hope she takes good care of herself."

I can't believe I'm witnessing this conversation. Resting my elbows on the kitchen island, I held my chin in both hands. I feel like a third wheel when they're together, like a new girl in a brand new school. 

I  faked a yawn which caught their attention. "I'm gonna go sleep."

I really wasn't. I just feel like I don't belong in the kitchen right now.  

"Really?" Rosa checked her phone. "It's 9PM, you usually go to sleep like at 3AM."

Alexio's brow curved as he looked from Rosa to me. "What the fuck?"

Shrugging, I feigned sleepiness as I hopped off the stool. "My life is a boring mess."

I said goodnight and scurried to my room, stacking the jars of paint and threw my dirty brushes in a bucket of water. I did my whole night routine and jumped in bed, opening the Tumblr and Spotify apps when it occurred to me that I forgot to give Alexio my number. 


Historia is a horrible lier. Does she really think I buy this shit? I bet she's on her phone right now scrolling through Tumblr. The poor girl needs new friends and a boyfriend. 

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