11. Daughter of Satan

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"What the fuck?!"

My eyes snapped open and I gasped in Alexio's mouth. He flew off of me, quickly jumping on the other couch and I fixed my panties and skirt.

"Jesus, Historia, what the fuck?" Rosa cursed again. "Why you left your bags here?! I almost tripped!"

My heart was out of control. She still has to walk deeper into the hallway to get to the living room.

"Oh, um, sorry!" my voice came out hoarse.

I quickly sat up, fixing the back of my hair and trying my best to act natural. Alexio sucked on his fingers, sending a playful wink at me.

Watching him taste me sent an all new wave of pleasure between my thighs. God damn you, Rosa! This is so unfair!

My demon of a sister appeared from the hallway, smiling at me and placing her bag on the kitchen counter. Our kitchen and living room are one open floor, besides the bedrooms and the bathroom.

"Alexio, you're still here?" She went straight to the refrigerator.

Alexio snapped his fingers at me to get my attention and pointed at his neck. "There's a hickey," he whispered.

My eyes went round and I wrapped my blanket around my head and my neck, laying back down and turning myself into a blanket burrito. I took in a deep breath, trying to control my breathing and simmer down the beating of my heart.

"Yeah," Alexio replied. "Historia and I were just speaking about her bookshelf."

Ooh, good save! I went along with the lie, which really wasn't a lie, we do have to discuss that. "Alexio is going to build it for me."

"That's cool," her voice cracked and she groaned. She walked around the couch holding a bag of gummy worms and sat next to my feet, chugging down a bottle of water. She placed it on the coffee table and turned on the TV. "I sucked so many dicks today, my throat hurts."

My face warmed up and I pushed my hands out of my blanket to cover my cheeks. Alexio saw the embarrassment in my features and started laughing again. "You're so fucking cute."

Why do I get like this when someone talks about sex around me?

"Um, how did you come back here, Rosa?" I asked.

"Scarlette, one of my friends I told you about, gave me a ride," she yawned, flipping through the channels. "Are you two busy this weekend?"

Alexio nodded and I said no, I never have anything planned. I hope that changes when college starts. Next week is orientation and I hope I can make more friends than just the five I have now, and that's including Alexio. I'm usually the kind of person that likes a small group of friends, but maybe that'll change.

Alexio got up, grabbed a couple more gummy worms from Rosa and sat back down. "I gotta film something on Sunday."

"Oooh about what?" Rosa asked enthusiastically.

Do I want to know?

He shrugged, biting on a gummy worm. "BDSM, the usual."

BDSM? I'm into that. I read about it a lot. But not Fifty Shades of Gray, we don't talk about that. I heard some problematic stuff about those books. Does this mean Alexio has experience with BDSM? I know it's probably different in porn, probably worse than what it should be.

"With who?" It sounds like Rosa is losing her voice. Gosh how much did she suck? The last time I lost my voice was when I went to a BTS concert but it wasn't that serious. I got it back after three days. Rosa says sometimes she loses her voice for a whole week because of work.

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