7. Little Milashka

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The photo isn't exactly how I picture Alexio's body and tattoos. The tattoos are close but the body....eh Alexio is bigger than this with more pronounced abs and no tan lol 


Remember when I said I was going to touch myself after Alexio leaves? 

So that happened. 

I woke up this morning feeling tired, like always, even though I actually had a full 8 hours of sleep. I fell asleep at 1 AM surprisingly. My alarm went off at 9 AM, because today Luca is giving me a tour on campus.

My outfit for today is pretty much what I always wear, a skirt, a tank top, and flats. I used to hate skirts but now I own more than pants. Before college starts, I'm trying to change my whole boring wardrobe to cute clothes that make me look like a 90's fashion icon. Like Cher from Clueless. 

Laying out my outfit on my bed, I yawned, rubbing my eyes as I put on my large Batman shirt that reaches just below my ass. That's pretty much all I wear to bed, oversized shirts with no pajama pants or just a tank top with panties. 

Promiscuous. I know. 

Walking into the kitchen, I yawned loudly again as I ruffled my hair out of its braid and grabbed the milk from the fridge. I don't know why I'm tired all the time. I googled it once and apparently, I'm depressed. My parents laughed at me when I asked them if I could see my doctor about it, so I never brought it up again. 

Anyway, now I'm just trying to reach for the cereal that my sister decided to place in the top cabinet. At least she has one thing in common with Mami, they think putting it in the top would leave more space for "important" stuff. As if cereal isn't important, the audacity!

I stood on my toes and bend over slightly but I could only tap the box with my nail. "Ugh! Damn it!" 

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Placing both hands on the counter, I prepared myself to hop on top when suddenly a tattooed arm reached for the cereal. 

I gasped, moving back and bumped into a hard body. He wrapped an arm around my waist to steady me as he placed the cereal on the counter. My body stiffened. Damn, it's too early for my heart to be having a dance party.

Alexio let me go, his sleepy voice rumbled. "Good morning, Princess."

Gulping, I gabbed my cereal and turned. Why the hell is he still here?! His hair is disheveled, he looks like he just woke up, and God Almighty he's only in boxers. 

Stumbling back, I hugged the cereal to my chest as my back hit the counter. His half-naked body looks way better up close. I freaking masturbated to this man last night and he's still in my apartment. I stared at his chest as he breathed and gripped the box tighter. How do tattoos have the power to make beefy men extra sexy? 

And his thighs! Wow! My eyes landed on his abs and I bit my bottom lip, picturing what they would look like with chocolate syrup and my tongue licking it off. 

I woke up this morning with wet panties because of what I envisioned last night and now I'm pretty much soaked after what I'm looking at right now. I snapped out of it when he folded his arms over his chest, actually, now I'm gawking at his arms. His right was covered with so many tattoos, some chains, skulls, roses, and more. 

"Are you going to keep eye-fucking me or are you going to serve me some cereal?"

Well, that destroyed my mood. I gave him a dirty look. "Remember what I said? You know your way around here. I don't have to serve you anything."

Alexio's blue eyes sparkled with amusement. He leaned down to my level, plastering a smug smile on his face. "But I'm the guest and the host has to serve, right?"

"Why are you still here?" I snapped, he's messing with me and it hasn't been five minutes yet. 

He straightened, running a hand through his already messy black hair and sat behind the island. "I stay over sometimes."

"How often?" I ignored his eyes and placed my cereal on the island then took two bowls out of the dishwasher. 

"As often as I want."

Oh, great. Perfect. I'm going to see this damn asshole every day? And I thought we had a connection yesterday. I'm not going to let his stupid smooth-talking, buttery voice get to me either, no matter how much I want to spread my legs wide for him.

I didn't respond and poured us some delicious Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Sitting next to him, I passed him the milk carton.

 "Where did you sleep?" I asked, eyes only on my bowl. 

If he slept in the same bed as Rosa I'm probably going to have an aneurysm. What if they had sex while I was asleep? 

Alexio swallowed. "You're wondering if I slept with your sister."

I choked on my cereal, cursing as he laughed. "N-no I'm not!"

Am I an open book or something?! Did I say that out loud?! 

"Don't worry, my little milashka," he said reassuringly. "I slept on the couch. There's no need to be jealous."

I'm not jealous! Why would I be jealous?! I playfully punched his tattooed shoulder but hurt myself in the process. Wincing, I wagged my hand in pain. Short, always sexually frustrated, and weak. How am I still alive? I can't even open soda bottles sometimes. 

"What does milashka mean?" I asked, massaging my hand. 

"Cutie," he responded, mouth full of cereal. 

Princess, sweetheart, and milashka. It sounds hot in Russian. I've never met anyone else who calls me these things. My heart fluttered and I looked at him through the corner of my eye. He devoured the cereal, drinking the milk and stood up, washing the bowl in the sink. His back flexed as his arms moved. 

I licked my lips, ever since his conversation last night with Rosa, this question has been eating me alive and I'm too scared to look it up. What if I look it up and something disgusting pops up? 

If Rosa won't answer me, then I'll ask him. "What's a creampie?"

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