29. I'm Done

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The day we came back to America, I was still on vacation. I go back to school in two weeks so I still have some free time to do whatever the heck I want, unlike Alexio and Rosa who had to go back to work.

The day before they had to go back to work, Alexio invited me to go to his place so we could watch a movie but I already had plans that night.

"I can't, Alexio," I pouted, "I wanna surprise Gio, he doesn't know I came back last night."

We were eating at the same diner we went to for breakfast that one time, only this time we were having lunch, Alexio's smile fell and he sighed distraughtly, "Fine."

"Hey, this doesn't mean I don't want to, " I took his hand in mine, "I'll come tomorrow night."

That seemed to make him feel better, "Cool." He grinned as he ate his lunch.

So that night Alexio wasn't at our place and I got ready to surprise Gio. I didn't wear anything too glamorous, just something cute and simple. Rosa walked into my room while eating some Takis.

"You look so cute," she said with her mouth full, "Where did you get that outfit from?"

I'm wearing a red and orange striped long sleeve shirt with a yellow sweater that has a large v cute in the middle both tucked in a jean skirt and black stockings, "Oh, these were thrifted."

"Awesome," she yawned, "So...you and Alexio, huh?"

Does she know? My body went hot and I could feel myself getting nervous with each passing second, she can't know, "Me and Alexio what?"

"You two are pretty close, I'm just curious, ya know, you two could be cute together."

I laughed at that statement, "I don't know, Rosa, don't you think it would be a little weird that I go out with him knowing that you two made porn together?"

Rosa groaned and smacked her forehead, "Yeah, true, I understand why you feel that way."

"Besides," I continued as I put in my earrings, "I can't be with someone who sleeps with other women, I know it's his job but he'd basically be cheating on me all the time."

"Would you be with him if he didn't do porn anymore, though?"

Would I? I never really thought about being with him in an actual relationship before, but now that I am, I'm highly considering it, "Yeah, I'd give him a chance."

"Cool beans," Rosa smiled, getting up and tying the Takis bag with a rubber band, "I'm gonna invite my friends over, will you be here tonight?"

I checked the time and took my purse, "Yeah, I'm just going to say hi to Gio and I'll be back in an hour or two."

Rosa nodded and I walked out of my room, saying goodbye to her. I cant wait to see Giovonni again, I feel like I haven't seen him in forever. He's gonna be so happy when I surprise him tonight.

Alexio and I havent talked since we had brunch and he hasn't been picking up my calls, while I'm driving to Gio's place, I called him at least five times but he still didn't pick up. Maybe he's just busy, if I keep calling it'll make me seem clingy.

I arrived at Gio's house and parked my car, his mom knows I was coming to surprise him so when I texted her that I was here, she opened the door for me and pointed upstairs.

"He's in his room." She whispered with a smile.

Thanking her, I walked upstairs as slow as possible and found his room, the door was cracked just a bit open, perfect for my plan to swing it open and surprise him. He was on the phone, arguing with someone and cursing in each sentence.

"I'm fucking working on it!" He growled, "Making her fall for me wasn't as easy as you made it seem!"

I peered through the door, who the heck is he talking about? He's making someone fall for him?

"Look, I know," he sighed, throwing himself on the bed, "Make her fall for me, take her stupid virginity, then break up with her the day after, but it's not that fucking simple, Isabel!"

Isabel?! Does he know her?! Is it the same Isabel? I wanted so bad to just walk inside, but something inside me was making me stay still and listen to everything.

"I don't fucking give a shit about Historia, Isabel, if someone hurts you, you know Imma hurt them back tenfold, you get the guy you want and I get some pussy, it's a win-win."

My heart cracked into a million pieces, I took a step back, trying to find the will to move. Hatred and despair consumed me as I continued to listen.

"You're my favorite cousin after all," he laughed, "Anyways, I should get going, gotta call Historia and turn on the charm, ya know? By the way things are looking, I might have her by the end of the week."

I ran away from the room, running downstairs and ignoring the calls from Gio's mother as I ran out of the house. I jumped inside my car and quickly sped off. I can't believe I fell for that again, history just keeps repeating itself and I keep letting it! I'm so done, I'm done with everything, I'm done with men, love, relationships. I'm done.

As soon as I started to cry, it started to rain. Parking somewhere, I called Alexio but he's still not picking up, his voicemail the only thing keeping me from going insane.

"Alexio, I know you're probably busy but..." I tried to take a deep breath, but my sobbing prevented me from doing so, "But something bad just happened and...and I just wanted to say you were right, you told me so and I didn't listen."

I hung up, leaning my forehead on the steering wheel and cried. Why does this keep happening to me? Is there something wrong with me? Am I just not meant to be happy?

My phone started to ring but once I saw Gio's name, I declined and blocked him.


I blew out some smoke and opened my next bottle of beer. Sitting on my couch and staring at the ceiling drunk out of my mind. My phone rang again, another call from Historia and I declined.

I don't know what I'm doing, I'm too drunk to care, she's with her friend so why the fuck does she keep calling me? I'm not important to her, I never was, she's just using me for sex and I let her.

I heard my bathroom door open and closed, "I'm done with my phone call."

Isabel sat on her knees between my legs as I puffed out another cloud of smoke. I haven't smoked in such a long time, but I've never felt like such a pile of shit like this before and tonight the cigarettes were calling for me again. Historia really doesn't know how to stop breaking my heart, huh? I could be spending my time with her right now, sober and watching a movie, but she'd rather be with that scumbag tonight.

Isabel sighed happily, rubbing her cheek on my knee, "I'm so happy you called me over tonight, I missed you, you know?"

I rolled my eyes, "Isabel, don't get your damn hopes up, the only reason I called you is because I need my cock sucked, you mean nothing to me, you're just a hole I'm going to use tonight, got that?"

Isabel was taken aback, I ignored the hurt in her eyes and motioned for her to get started, "Well, my pants aren't gonna unzip themselves, now hurry the fuck up so you can leave."

She got started and I groaned, throwing my head back on the couch, I wish it was Historia doing this to me, not Isabel. My phone started to ring and I declined Historia again, but the sound of a voicemail still took me away from the pleasure I'm trying to feel.

I picked up my phone and listened to Historia's voicemail, but the sound of her broken tone made my eyes snap open.

"Alexio, I know you're probably busy but..." she tried to take a deep breath but she sobbed, "But something bad just happened and...and I just wanted to say you were right, you told me so and I didn't listen."

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