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I walked into my penthouse, hanging up my keys and raising my arms up to stretch. It was another busy day at the animal clinic and I couldn't wait to take my scrubs off.

Over the past few years, I ended up moving in with Alexio and graduated vet school early with honors and a 4.0 gpa. It was so hard at first, my parents didn't approve of me moving in with Alexio because they know of his past, but I disobeyed their wishes.

Now I'm a successful doctor for pets. Every day it's something different, I have to perform surgery here and there and I also help pets that are sick. The toughest thing about my job is when I have to put an animal down, I always end up crying with the newly former owners, but when I come back home Alexio is always there to make sure I feel better. I'm so proud of myself for busting my butt to be what I've always wanted to be though!

Opening up the fridge for a bottle of water, I felt something brush against my ankles. I looked down and smiled. "Hi, Cinnamon."

My cat mewed and I bent down to pick him up, kissing the top of his little brown head. Alexio got me Cinnamon for my birthday a few years back, so I won the bet we made. I gave him a striptease as a thank you though. He wasn't expecting it, so the night he came home to low promiscuous music and rose petals on the floor he was really surprised.

Alexio is now acting. He's only doing small roles on tv but he's slowly getting the recognition he deserves. Right now he's known as the hot barista in a superhero show on the CW. He's also still working at his dad's company but I know once he gets introduced to real stardom, he's going to be super famous.

Raising Cinnamon in the air, I noticed he had a note tied to a red ribbon around his neck. That's odd. I untied the note and opened it, recognizing Alexio's writing.

I read the note out loud, "Take a trip down memory lane and meet me at the diner we used to eat at."

He's gotta be kidding me, that's back in New Jersey! Placing Cinnamon on the floor, I pulled out my cell phone and called Alexio, but he didn't pick up any of my calls. I called Rosa and Mikhail to check if they spoke to Alexio recently but they didn't pick up either. Those two have been inseparable when she quit doing porn. After she saved enough money, she left her job a few months after Alexio and I got together.

I'm also going to be an aunt soon. At their wedding, Rosa announced that she's having twins. Our parents were surprisingly there, Rosa didn't expect them to come after sending them invites but they did. They rekindled their relationship and we're back to being a happy family. It was hard for Rosa to accept their apology though, since they completely changed after she quit her job, but she didn't want to live with anymore resentment towards them.

Rosa is also a successful author now, selling amazing books that I had the liberty to read before everyone else. I even get to have the first copies for free! Perks of having an author as a sister.

Anyway, I guess I have no other choice but to go back to Jersey. Besides, I can't just leave the love of my life hanging like that. So after changing, giving Cinnamon enough food, and looking for my glasses who just love to disappear, I left.

The ride was quick and I found myself driving into Perkin's parking lot. As I got out of my car, the strong nostalgia hit me harder than I expected. The memories I had of this place, the memories with Alexio, made me feel sad that time went by way too fast.

I spoke to Alexio to include him, he was obviously annoyed, "Do you want orange juice?"

He gritted his teeth, blue eyes sending killer darts at the waiter, "I don't know, babe, I was thinking if you'd want my cum down your throat again instead."

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