30. I Can't Lose You: Part 1

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Alexio: Creator, why the fuck did you make me do that in the last chapter?!

Me: Because it had to happen.

Alexio: But Historia... :(

Me: Hey, I'm sorry but ya know...I live for the drama hehe. :D

Alexio: I hate you!

Historia *pops in*: Hey! You can't hate our creator, Alexio! We wouldn't be here without her! D:

Alexio: >:(

Historia: Say you're sorry. :)

Alexio: I'm sorry. >:(

Me: Aww it's okay! ^^

Historia: Yay! Now on with the story! :D



"Alexio, I know you're probably busy but..." she tried to take a deep breath but she sobbed, "but something bad just happened and...and I just wanted to say you were right, you told me so and I didn't listen."

Rage coursed through me. I know exactly what Historia was talking about and I pushed Isabel off of me, ignoring her curses as I zipped up my pants and got up, "Get out."

Isabel wiped her lips, "No."

"No?" I growled. 

She stood up and crossed her arms over her naked chest, "No, you called me here and I'm staying!"

"Isabel," I said dangerously low, "Get. Out."

"Let me guess," she snarled, "that was the filthy Dominican brown-skinned bitch calling you, right? Soon enough she's going to get deported back to her dirty country, Alexio! Stop hanging out with that thing!"

That struck so many nerves inside of me. I took a step closer to her, cocking my head to the side, "What the fuck did you just say?"

Isabel could sense my hatred. She took a step back and gulped, "Y-you heard me."

I stormed after her and grabbed the back of her hair, ignoring her cries as I forced her to look up at me, "Listen to me, Isabel, and listen clearly, you don't want to see the ugly side of me while I'm like this. Did you forget I wasn't born here? You're speaking to an immigrant right now, you racist bitch!" I tightened my grip in her hair and she whimpered, "Historia was fucking born in New York! The only filthy thing here is you. Now get your things and get the fuck out!" 


Throwing her over my shoulder, she started shouting at me to put her down, punching my back as I picked up her skimpy clothes. All I want is to comfort Historia. Fuck, she's going to hate me, she's going to be disgusted with me. I shouldn't have called this whore to my place. 

I kicked Isabel out of my condo, slamming the door in her face. She started banging on my door, screeching to let her back in before I could even call Historia. 

"Fine!" Isabel screamed, "give me my clothes back! You can't just let me walk out in the cold naked!"

I opened my door, threw her clothes in her face and slammed my door again. 

Isabel pounded on it before I could take another step, "What about my jacket?!"

I rolled my eyes, "You said so yourself before, thots don't get cold! Now leave!"

Isabel punched the door again, followed by a few more screams, and finally, it grew quiet. I picked up my phone, feeling myself becoming sober and called Historia. 

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