31. I Can't Lose You: Part 2 - FINALE

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"Well, you just did," I snapped and left, slamming the door behind me.

Entering the elevator, I pressed the first floor so I could leave. I can't believe him. I can't believe the entire time I was crying my eyes out in my car, he was with Isabel, the one who made the most disgusting, devious plan to break my heart with her damn cousin!

I thought I wasn't going to be able to feel anything else tonight. Knowing that he was with the girl that made me feel like shit makes me so angry with him. He could've called any other girl, but no! After all this time, he still calls Isabel even after what she did at the club? After what she said to Ace? And after everything she did to the other women she worked with?! Why the fuck would he do that?!

Why does Isabel even hate me so much? What did I do to deserve all this pain? Is this God punishing me for not going to church and praying like how my parents told me to?

I drove all the way here just to feel more like crap. I wish I could go back in time and not feel anything anymore, but he made me feel again and I hate it.

As much as I hate that Alexio was with Isabel, I can't bring myself to hate him. I want to, but I can't. I exited out of the elevator and left the condominium, not caring about the pouring rain as I walked to my car.

Just as I was about to open my car, I heard Alexio screaming for me.

"Historia, wait!"

I came to a halt, my keys dangling from my hand and I turned around. He was running to me, letting the rain soak him without a coat. "What the heck are you doing?!" When I came to see him, he wasn't wearing shoes in his condo and he didn't even bother putting on shoes to chase me out here. "Are you crazy?!"

He finally reached me and I noticed the rim of his eyes were red, was he crying?

"Yeah," he shivered and spoke above the loud pouring rain, "I'm crazy in love with you!"

I shook my head, he can't be serious, "No, stop lying to me!"

"I'm not!" he shouted, running his fingers frustratingly through his wet hair, "I've been stupid, madly, deeply in love with you for the past few months and I admitted it to myself a few weeks ago!"

"Alexio, please sto-"

"I think about you all the time! When I'm not with you, I find things that remind me of you! When I go to the mall and see a cute skirt I think of you! When I pass by a bookstore or art store I think of you! When I wake up you're the first person I think about and when I fall asleep you're the last! When I'm working I'm so fucking disgusted with myself because all I want is to touch you and no one else but you! You make me feel like I matter, okay?! Like I'm actually good enough!"

My lips were wobbling, I was frozen to the ground and I gripped my keys. I don't even know what to say, no one has ever confessed to me before, not even like this.

"I never cared about you being with other women before because I know it's your job," I shouted over the rain. "Heck that was part of the stupid deal we made when we met! You were allowed to be with whoever you wanted! But why did you have the girl that hurt your friends and me with you tonight!?"

"Because I was mad and stupid and drunk, Historia!" he cried, "I wanted to somehow relieve the anger pent-up inside me so I came up with this stupid idea to punish myself and fuck out my anger into someone I hate!"

His condo did smell like liquor and cigarettes. I bit my lip and glanced at my car, not knowing what to do.

"I know nothing I'll say will ever make you forgive me," Alexio continued, rain dripping from the ends of his hair, "I don't want to lose you, but I know you probably don't even want to talk to me anymore, just know that my heart belongs to you, Historia!"

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