16. Crying For Me All Day

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I'm paranoid.

After breakfast, Alexio and I went to Home Depot so he can buy the stuff he needs for my bookshelf. No matter how many times I ask what he wants to cross out from my list, he shoots the question down with a smirk and an "It's a surprise."

Never have I ever hated surprises but now I do, I'm anxious to know what he's planning.

Is it letting me grind on his thigh? Is it waking me up with him in between my legs? Part of me is excited for what he's going to do but the other part wants answers!

It's Wednesday and college finally starts next Monday. This morning was orientation and it was...interesting.

People did recognize me from Rosa's Snapchat and so did my Biology teacher which was extremely awkward because that middle-aged man looked at me with evident interest. No one else seemed to care so other than that, orientation turned out okay. I signed up for my classes for the first semester, I hung out with Luca and the others at the Café, and I finally arrived back home.

I've been craving Alexio's cock all day, once I walk in my room, I'm going straight to his pants.

But I heard him arguing with Rosa.

"I can't believe you told him that!" Rosa cried, "I'm not a good actress, Alexio, why do you think I barely get lines when I work?!"

"I told you, it slipped out!"

I walked into my room and dropped my purse on my bean bag chair, feeling the tension in the air, "Uhh, should I leave?"

They both turn to my direction and shouted, "No!"

I jumped, "What is wrong with you two!?"

Jeez, it's like she's the cat an he's the dog. Rosa huffed heavily, glaring at Alexio. How are these two even friends? "Historia, do you think it's a good idea for me to be Alexio's fake girlfriend?"

Alexio rolled his eyes, "It's only for three weeks for fuck sake."

Rosa folded her arms across her chest and faced me, "Well?" she frowns, "Is it?"

I don't have the energy for this. I just came home from a long day at school and all I wanna do now is lay in bed and watch Alexio work on my bookshelf because when he's hammering, his muscles flex in his arms and back which is really nice to look at.

I pursed my lips looking at them back and forth, sighing as I sat on my bed, "Honestly, Rosa, this sounds like a you problem."

Alexio chuckles and Rosa's jaw slackens, "Bitch! You're supposed to be on my side!"

I yawn, "But Alexio needs your help, I bet he'd do the same if you needed a fake boyfriend."

Alexio nods and Rosa clamps her mouth shut. Ha! That got to her.

If he asked me, I would've said yes right away.

She sighs heavily, forcing a smile at Alexio, "Fine, but will your older brother also think I'm your girlfriend? Or is this plan just to deceive your parents?"

Wait, did he ever tell me he has a brother? He didn't right? Oooh, I wonder if he's just as hot as Alexio.

Alexio waves his hand reassuringly, "Nah, Mikhail knows all my secrets, he won't tell a soul."

Rosa frowned, "How do you know for sure?"

"Because we're brothers," Alexio replied, "I keep his secrets safe and he keeps mine safe, don't you and Historia do the same?"

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