16. They both die at the end

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"Stay" he breathed against my stomach

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"Stay" he breathed against my stomach.

Not only butterflies started to move in my belly but the whole freaking jungle was freaking out.

Warmth crept up to my cheeks to colour it. His hugg tightened slightly as I stood between his two legs.

My hands dangled down not knowing what to do with them. Should I pat his back or stroke his hair? I haven't been this close to a boy before beside my father and brothers. Ya Allah what should I do? I would push him away but he looks miserable. Maybe he needs some comfort, God knows what happened to him.

His hair did really looked soft and before I could stop myself I ran my fingers into his full and raven. And I guess it right, it was really soft and instead of running my fingers in there I began to massage lightly his scalp assuming it help him relax a little. A sound came from his throat which made me wonder if I should stop or not.

"I won't be able to let you go if you don't stop." He whispered with his voice husky. I immediately lifted my hands from his head, my cheeks getting warmer and warmer by the second.

Staying still for a couple of minutes I started to get uncomfortable under his arms and decided to break the silence.

"You know, I can get you a pillow for you to cry on if you want." I smirked, maybe he won't feel so awkward if I joke around. He pushed me slightly and snorted "you wish."

"To see you cry? Absolutely, that will be a dream come true."

His eyes wrinkled with amusement as he rolled them and a smile played in his lips. I felt relieved that he's smiling now.

"I guess that will be nothing more than a dream then." He said.

I chuckled "We will see about that." I stared at him wondering if he relaxed a little. "Are you feeling okay now?"

"Yeah, sorry if I woke you up. You can go back to sleep now." He nodded.

"Umm-kay. Good night." I waved to him before I went back to my room and allowed the sleep take over me.
"Gurrl you're late." Latifa groaned with Sabrina by her side. I ran up to them at the entrance of the mall. We needed shopping for tonight.

"And since when do you keep track on time. You are never on time." I rolled my eyes and hugged both of them.

"Well have you forgotten the time freak is beside me." Latifa titled her head to Sabrina as Sabrina slapped her shoulder. I laughed out loud and twinned my arms around one of theirs. It's true, Sabrina is never late, not even for a second.

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