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"We have received another set of data and it would be appreciated if you could record them down in the monitors," Shockwave ordered.

"Okay," my digits got on the keyboards and began typing.

There was a moment of silence before Shockwave broke it. "Do you experience difficulties aboard this ship?"

My optics (yes I have optics but just a lighter shade of red that shows I'm blind) widened and took a breath. I felt weird but relaxed that I have someone to talk to.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't," I began. "But it is alright, Shockwave." i brushed it off.

"Y/N, I would like to know, please. It is illogical for you to keep your difficulties to yourself this whole time," Shockwave said as I continued typing.

A tear escaped my optics and I quickly inhaled. I turned to Shockwave, the best I could. "Shockwave, I know you lack emotions. But for now, could you forget about being a scientist for a moment, and just listen to me as your own self. All you have to do is listen."

Shockwave thought for a moment, confused but he agreed, "affirmative."

I turned back to the screen.

"Getting around this ship and life is no easy feat for myself. I cannot see anything, I don't know how everything looks like. I could only imagine. I don't mean to offend but I don't even know how you look like, a description wouldn't help either. I don't know how I look like either. I don't know what Lord Megatron and Soundwave look like even though I've known them for long. Knockout blabbers about his finish so many times I wish I could admire them too, red must be a pretty colour to most femmes I suppose.

It had been a painful process memorising every little detail of this ship. But Lord Megatron expects splendid performance from everyone and my lack of sight is just an excuse. So I did everything to compensate for my loss, with the installation of audio sensors for example.

There are numerous moments, where the others like Starscream, Arachnid and several vehicons would throw insults at me with their snobbish attitudes, that I am a useless good for nothing waste of space. I don't work as hard as them to earn Lord Megatron's 'attention' as I quote, I... do not enjoy seeking attention too much. They would say that my methods are inefficient and time consuming, but do they know what it's like to live up to expectations without being able to see?

Over time, I managed to ignore them. Lord Megatron's approval has given me the strength to continue my efforts and he would deal with Starscream especially. I don't know about Arachnid since we're the only femmes around, and she's the complete opposite of me, her words are piercingly...bitchy I would describe in a crude way.

Becoming a scientist, with my lack of sight allowed me to imagine more with the sounds the discoveries are made. Sure I received insults that I would never advance in the ranks due to my condition, but it's alright, I'm fortunate enough that Lord Megatron even accepted me as a long term comrade unlike some others."

I concluded my explanation, venting everything out but calmly, but I couldn't stop tears escaping my optics. I pray to Primus Shockwave isn't going to be the next one saying I'm weak because I'm crying. But what he did next surprised me.

He stroked my back as a symbol of comfort, I'm surprised someone without emotions did that. "It is illogical for you to submit to the insults, I appreciate your confession that allowed me to understand you better."

I blushed a little and let out a light chuckle and smile.

Shockwave's POV

I watched as Y/N vented all her emotions as calmly as possible. My spark tightened causing discomfort when I watched stray lubricants leaking from her optics. I could never tell how exactly she felt as I lack emotion, but I could understand that tightened feeling in my spark that is sympathising with her pain.

"Why are you asking me all this?" Y/N suddenly asked.

I took a moment, "You are different compared to others I've worked as a scientist with. Others complain continuously when they are functioning fine, but as for yourself you lack sight but you appreciate everything you have. It has only been a few solar cycles and I've already come to value your assistance."

I saw Y/N's dermas lift up indicating she is smiling. If only she knew how she looked like herself.

"Hey Shockwave," I heard her call as she looked at me, her face was a little red. "Thank you for listening. It's nice not being alone for a change."

"My pleasure Y/N," I was almost going to nod but I realised she cannot see my approval. I watched as she got back to entering the data and headed for Lord Megatron.


Blind Logic (TFP Shockwave x Blind Femme Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now