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Shockwave entered the medbay to find Y/N recharging peacefully while Knockout continues treating her.

"Status?" Shockwave asked quietly.

"Helm's fine, no side effects thankfully. She most certainly needs a decent recharge," Knockout replied finishing buffing a scratch on Y/N.

"Speaking of decent recharge," Knockout paused for a moment leaving Shockwave confused. Knockout signaled the vehicons in the bay to keep watch of Y/N while Shockwave cluelessly followed him to Y/N's berthroom.

"It is illogical to enter her berth without her permission," Shockwave stated.

"Well I know what she needs for a decent recharge Shockwave, my masterpiece," Knockout gloated as he headed to Y/N's berth. He picked up Y/N's (favourite plush doll) that he made for her, as he remarked, "Ahhh...my lustrous masterpiece."

"What's the logic of this...masterpiece?" Shockwave tilted his helm, basically his optic in confusion.

Knockout explained the best that he could, "well Shockwave, it helps her recharge better as she has something...like a friend to hug and curl up with, prevents loneliness..."

"But it is non-living," Shockwave inquired.

"That's up to her imagination, she lacks sight so it's even lonelier in her position, she has something to imagine and keep her company in recharge, ahh she can be a sparkling at times. One reason why she's marvelous to be around in this ship," Knockout explained as he took Y/N's doll and they both headed back.

"That is...logical," Shockwave remarked.

Knockout gently placed the doll in between Y/N's curled servo without waking her up. She immediately took it and curled up, pouting in comfort and continued her deep recharge. Knockout exhaled and smiled in satisfaction.

Since Knockout is the easiest to get along with, along with the late Breakdown, he and Y/N didn't take long to become good friends, just a snap and boo yeah, they're friends. He would gloat about his red finish that he eagerly wishes Y/N could see, and yes, he constructed Y/N's (favourite plush doll) during his spare time, obviously satisfied with how Y/N cuddles it.

Knockout walked off to continue some other work on his desk.

What Y/N obviously could not see, was not only Shockwave just staring at her peaceful form, but he was finding himself jealous of a doll. Shockwave walked out of the medbay to continue some work, promising to return later, as he walked out, he continued having thoughts. He shook his helm at the wandering thoughts, including the illogical thought of being jealous of a plush doll Y/N cuddles tightly.


I opened my optics gradually after what seemed like an eternity of recharge. I knew from my surroundings I am in the medbay.

I took a deep breath as my optics opened. I noticed I was curled up with my (favourite plush doll) and silently chuckled, Knockout obviously brought it for me, much to my embarrassment among the Decepticons liking these immature stuff.

"Y/N, did you recharge well?" I turned my helm when I heard Shockwave, making my spark flutter hearing his concern.

"Yes, I did, never had a good recharge in a while," I remarked nodding my helm nuzzling my (favourite plush doll) in the process.

I heard pedes approaching my berth, probably Knockout.

"Hey gorgeous, you're finally awake," Knockout greeted in his usual sassy tone. What I couldn't see is Shockwave's reaction. Shockwave dimmed his optic briefly at Knockout's greeting before turning back to me.

I rolled my optics in annoyance and gave him the 'the frag is wrong with you look', "Knockout I have a designation you know..."

Knockout only continued gloating, "Oh, you just never knew that 'gorgeous' is what the humans call it, middle name."

I vented in annoyance and did a facepalm with my (favourite plush doll), I sat up slowly since my helm just recovered. "How's my helm?"

"Nothing so far, no side effects or reactions from the collision, best it stays that way. As for your injuries and scratches, all nicely buffed by yours truly, you're welcome." Knockout explained, as he continued gloating the last part.

I vented again, he can get annoying sometimes till I just threw my plush doll which happened to jackpot at his helm as he grunted when it hit him. I just rolled my optics shaking my helm.

"Even with your lack of sight you sure got great aim!" Knockout scoffed flicking (favourite plush doll) aimed at my chassis as I held it, nodding my helm with my dermas spread in a thin line with obvious sarcasm present.

Shockwave just observed the illogical banter between Y/N and Knockout, shaking his helm in the process. He still wanders his thoughts on Y/N continuously, still struggling to shake off the illogical thoughts.


Blind Logic (TFP Shockwave x Blind Femme Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now