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"By the Primes!" Knockout exclaimed as Shockwave emerged through the groundbridge back to the bridge.

"Y/N?!" Megatron yelled with agony in his voice. He glared at Starscream as they all watched Shockwave return carrying me in his arms. I was so dazed and dizzy till I ended up shutting my optics and 'recharging' in Shockwave's arms leaning against his warm chassis. My mouth was left opened as if in deep recharge like a sparkling.

"Bring her to the medbay!" Knockout gestured as they both ran to the Med bay while Shockwave still carried me. I felt butterflies in my stomach but I was too dazed and sleepy to even react, but I could feel Shockwave's one optic gazing at me throughout his run to the med bay.

Shockwave set me down on the medical berth as Knockout begun treating my wounds and checking my issues especially with my helm.

"Did Y/N tell you anything before falling into recharge?" Knockout asked Shockwave as he treated and buffed some injuries and scratches while my helm is examined.

"She was, is, in a delirious state. Her words were distorted but I managed to understand what she meant. Her injury on her helm wasn't caused by the autobots. Continue patching her up, I have to speak to Lord Megatron," Shockwave said with worry but remained calm as he headed back to the bridge.


"What is the meaning of this? She was the one who found the fossil while you took the credit as usual Starscream! I knew she would!" Megatron was questioning Starscream to no end as the seeker continued cowering and avoiding his questions.

"M-master!" Starscream cowered again.

The doors to the bridge opened revealing Shockwave entering the bridge, not satisfied seeing a particular mech aboard. "Lord Megatron."

"What happened to her, the truth!" Megatron grew impatient.

"She's useless to this cause why do you care so much about her?!" Starscream retorted.

Megatron growled at Starscream, "she has proven her value numerous times unlike you Starscream. Now! I want to know what actually happened, was it the autobots' doing, or was it not?!" Megatron's voice boomed throughout the bridge sending chills to the various vehicons on board.

"Her speech was delirious, but logical. She mentioned Starscream, launched a missile to break the cave open, but aimed right above her position. Causing a size-able rock which ended up collapsing on her. Damaged her helm as it collided on her, causing her current dazed and delirious state." Shockwave explained with a stern tone as he glared at Starscream.

"Tch! It was to prevent the autobots from getting to her!" Starscream forced an excuse.

"Illogical. You have been against her from the beginning and willing to eliminate her from the Decepticons. I believe you flew out of the cave by yourself, without Y/N anywhere in your thought processor. As usual, you resorted to abandoning my assistant," Shockwave countered.

Shockwave once again swung a cannon at Starscream and shot him flying and slammed against the wall. He lowered his cannon and gave a slight vent, controlling his rage when deep inside he was boiling.

"I will deal with this Shockwave, I assure you," Megatron glanced at Shockwave and back at Starscream. "You will continue to check on Y/N's recovery, halting any of your current experiments if necessary."

"I was not planning on letting my assistant die in the filthy servos of our own Decepticon, I will ensure her recovery," Shockwave acknowledged as he walked out of the bridge to the med bay, the last thing he heard before the doors closed was a yell from Megatron.


Shockwave's walk to the medbay was a long one, as he began pondering about Y/N. He didn't understand the discomfort in his spark seeing her unconscious state, and rage filled him when she revealed it was Starscream's doing.

He began having thoughts about the way Y/N has been working. She has proven valuable as stated by Megatron. Despite her lack of sight, her processor is filled with schematics and calculations of the ship's monitors and everything which made working with her as the earthling say, a walk in the park.

She would always be there whenever he needed anything, like a right hand man. She would never complain unlike his previous workers, she would always be ready on her pedes to respond. It made him feel at peace, he would enjoy being in the lab with her than any other place on the ship.

What Shockwave would never be able to admit, was how gorgeous Y/N looked. She cannot see for herself, but her own f/c (frame colour) paint job and her frame was breathtaking. She wasn't bulky or fat as humans call it as an insult, she isn't too skinny as well, just enough. It is a pity she would never be able to see how he looked like as well. Her voice is not too flirty, not too monotonous but just right amount of kindness and a tinge of innocence present. Her different shade of optics wasn't a problem either.

Witnessing how others like Starscream, Arachnid and several vehicons insulting Y/N and deeming her useless brought even more discomfort to his spark, causing it to tighten. He felt those insults illogical. Shockwave shook his helm, brushing off the thoughts. Y/N can't even see him, deeming her chances of liking him or anyone slim and simply illogical.

Shockwave's thoughts wandered to Y/N again, he clenched his servos and sighed. "Illogical," he vented. "My...affections for Y/N, are simply illogical."

"Ooh why's that?" Shockwave swore he could have jumped when he heard a voice, but from a different femme. He turned around and faced Arachnid.

"What are you doing here?" Shockwave questioned.

Arachnid as usual with her attitude just snobbishly said, "just happened to past by. I don't understand why you'd be with that useless Y/N."

Shockwave charged his cannon up, "you are not welcomed here to insult Y/N, I suggest you leave."

"Aww don't act like that, I wonder where you'll get with that useless blind femme, sooner or later you'll dispose of her I assure you," Arachnid sinisterly said with that devious smirk as she walked off.

Shockwave stood his ground as he headed for the medbay, warning Arachnid as she walked off and smirked, "Disposal of Y/N, is illogical."


Blind Logic (TFP Shockwave x Blind Femme Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now