'....Because she loves you!!.....'

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'You think you lost your love? Well, I saw her yesterday.....

she said she loves you!!.... and with a love like that, you know you should be glad!!!'

I was on my way to visit my dear and good friend, and in my head mulling over what I needed to tell him when I arrived, trying to recall the conversation I had had just yesterday with my other very  good friend. Oh yes, this was a tough position to be in, the go-between, messenger, and peace maker between two people whom you really care about whom have themselves had just broken up, just three days before. How did I come to be in this situation?? Well, let me explain. You see, my two now separated friends put me in a very awkward position as I dearly loved both my friends, and wanted to see both of them just be happy. The first of my friends, we had had a long history of friendship going back many years ever since he and I had got together and formed a friendship being school friends, and been inseparable all through our school days. The second of my friends, had been a friend who happened to be a girl, bonded when we studied together when we met when we studied the same course at our college, helping each other through our college work, and finished our course together, and we have been there for each other ever since. It had been me who had introduced the two of them-him and her-to each other just a little over a year ago. I can remember their first meeting, where I had been there to introduce them to each other-very clearly in my head. I had remembering mentioning to my male friend that I had friend, whom was a girl, and that I thought that, knowing them both-their characters and personalities-very well, I thought that if I would introduce them to each other, they would surely hit it off. And they definitely did-we had all met up, on my suggestion in a neutral setting of a coffee bar where we could chat and we-they-could get to know each other better. And from their very first meeting, I could see something between them-I could sense there was a chemistry between them-an instant attraction between the two, and both told me separately after that first meeting that they really wanted to meet each other again and how how much they had liked each other. The two of them did end up meeting again the next day-and they fell in love straight away, and from that point they ending up dating, and becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. each time I saw the two them thereafter-and they were always together from that moment on as they became inseparable-I couldn't help smiling, thinking what a couple they were and how right they were for each other-I didn't feel any jealousy to either of them-just so very happy that I had been able to help the two of them find each other. I had loved watching their romance blossoming over the last year, and the pair would regularly keep me updated on the goings on in their relationship.

             Ah yes, as far as I knew all had been going blissfully well with my two friends in their relationship since they had become an item nearly a year ago. All, that was, till a few short days ago-which brings me to why I was on my  way to see my friend now. I had been on the receiving end from tearful telephone conversations from both-the first came on from her-when she had called me, in tears a couple of evenings ago to tell me, tearfully, in between her tears that it was over, that the two of them had broken up. Shocked, I had asked her to calm down and explain to me what happened-and she had explained to me, clearly very upset, that what had happened was, the two of them had arranged to meet up at one the local bars that evening, and, when she had arrived there to meet him, he had already been there, and he had not been alone. No-there he had been a young girl there at the bar right next to him-and that, quite clearly, she was flirting with him. Of course, immediately hurt and jealous, and thinking that he would want to be with this girl, she stormed up to him in the bar and accused him of cheating with her, and had shouted to him that not only were they over, but that she never wanted to see him again. Before he had had a chance to reply, she had stormed out and back home. He had desperately been trying to contact her, ofcourse, to explain the situation, as it had been a terrible misunderstanding-she had misread the situation-it wasn't what like she had thought at all. The girl had indeed been very flirtatious with him-but my friend had no intention of flirting back-and as soon as I heard what had happened I knew in my heart that this was true. My friend was very in love and had no eyes to ever be with anyone else-and I knew what my friend was like, and he was the most loyal person-certainly one who would never cheat-and certainly not on my friend. But anytime he tried to call she refused to answer, too hurt to face him yet. Instead, she been crying on the phone to me, and tried my be the shoulder to cry on that she needed at that moment, while also trying to make her see  that she  misjudged the situation.

'look, I don't know who that girl was that you saw and why she flirting with him ' I had told her over the phone ' But I can assure you, I know that he would have had had no intention of flirting back, let alone getting together with her', I had told her that evening over the phone-it had been a long evening-and  along conversation-up until that point-it had taken a while just to get her to calm down enough so I could understand, through her sobbing, and she told me what had happened,- but now I needed to make her see that my dear friend-her boyfriend was nothing like that, and had eyes for her, and for her only. 

'You....really believe that?? I trust you, and what you saw, so if you really think that he really wouldn't have flirted back then I''l believe what you say.' She had told me, her sobs calming down a bit. 

'Yes, I really do believe that, and you should believe in him, too. Tomorrow, you need to see him and then you can tell him that.....'

'Can you see him for me tomorrow, please?! It's just that I....I'm just not ready to see him just yet, I will be in in time, I just feel so awful about how I misunderstood, thinking that he would do that.....I now know that he wouldn't.......please, it would mean so much if you could meet him tomorrow and tell him that I now know the truth and how I know now that he would never cheat on me.... and make sure you tell him that I....that I still love him.....and I hope that he still loves me.'

'Sure, ofcourse', I found myself saying 'Ofcourse, I'll go round to him tomorrow, and I'll make sure to tell him all that you just told me' I assured her.

            So that is how, now I came to find myself making my way round to friends flat, a small place, the words ringing in my head from last nights phone conversation.  As soon as knocked on my friend door, he answered, flinging the door open, and pulling me behind. I could tell he had been shedding a few tears himself, just like his girlfriend, distraught over their unnecessary break up. He looked so tired too-like he'd had no sleep and been up all night-which he had. Well, that made two of us, as I had been up on the phone till the early hours of the morning.

'Oh my  gosh, I'm so glad you're here, you can't even imagine!! I've been up all night, just thinking and thinking, been crying most of the day....I just don't know what to do do, I've been trying and trying to phone her, to explain things, but she just won't take my calls!! It's so frustrating, I've done nothing wrong to her, I would never cheat on her or anything like that at all never...but how can make her see that when she won't let me speak to her?!?' He lamented to me.

'Relax, just calm down!', I told him, and put my arms around him in a friendly hug. Gee, I really felt for both of them-the split was really hurting them both-but I could see how I could help the situation.....I just needed to tell him what she had told me last night over the phone...

'look, I was up half the night with her on the phone. She was really upset at first, but she told me a few things I think you should know....'

'she did? He pulled his face out from my shoulder where I still held him in my hug, and I could see his sad expression change to hopeful one. 'what did she tell you?' He asked.

I sighed, then smiled as I told him 'Well, firstly, I reassured her that you're not like that, that you're a good, loyal, person, and she said she now knows that for sure. She would like to meet you again, soon, but the most important thing to say is that she....she still loves you. Very much. And that she hopes that you still love her.'

When I said this, his eyes instantly brightened, and I had never seen his expression like that; the way he smiled at me, he was just beaming, like i had just told him the best new ever, and truth was, I had. The girl that he loved so dearly, had said that she still loved him-oh, it was music to his ears!'

Joyfully he cried to me 'Yes! Yes, I've always, always loved her. I' still in love with her, and I always will!'

'well, then', I told him ' You know what you have to do, don't you?? Apologize to her for hurting her feelings, and tell her that it's her you love too!'

My friend then embraced me in a huge, thankful hug. Ah, my two friends made happy again and back together once more. What more could any friend ask for?


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