~Take you to the seven seas of Ryhe ~

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'And with a smile, I'll take you to the seven seas of Ryhe.............'

~The boat rocked on the choppy waves of the sea, as the three passengers on the boat- two young girls and a young man, were bounced along the ripples of water as the small wooden boat-actually just a small rowing boat - moved from side to side along with the movements with of the water. 

'Oh my gosh, the waves are getting up!! It wasn't this windy when we set out earlier!' The blonde girl, named Lucy, exclaimed. The Three friends had been staying on a small island, where they had been having a short holiday. They were three days into their holiday, and today they had decided to take a small wooden boat out- only just big enough for room for the three of them to fit in-on this afternoon and take a boat ride out on the sea. That had seemed like a good idea, as the weather earlier in the day had started out bright and clear, however, this afternoon the weather had taken a sudden turn for the worse-with the skies sudden darkening, and a strong wind beginning to gather which now was shaking their boat.

'I know! Look at those waves!! I knew that it was a bad idea to take this boat out today!!,' The second girl, Amelia, who had brown eyes and hair, said. 'This definitely wasn't my idea to go out on this boat today! I would have been happy just staying back on the island in our cabin!!'

'Yea, Jake, this was your idea!' Lucy said to the boy, Jake, who sat infront of them and was rowing their small boat.

'Oh calm down, you two!! We've spent the last couple of days on the island, and I just wanted to try something different today', he said 'And anyway, come on, it's not that bad, it's only a bit windy!'

'A bit?!', Lucy exclaimed 'Look at those waves! And we've gone way too far out! I can't even see the island in the distance any more! I thought we were going to stay near the island?!'

And it was true-when they had set out earlier that afternoon, when the skies had been clear, the sea had been calm and they had intended to stay within sight of the island and not venture to far out. However, that had been an hour ago and the wavy seas had been pushing them further and further along, and more and more out to the sea.

'Okay, okay, maybe we've gone further out than I thought.....but isn't this fun, guys?! Don't you just love being out on the water?!' Jake turned back behind him to look at the two girls sitting behind him.

'Oh sure, this is just great.....', Amelia replied, rolling her eyes sarcastically. 'Do you even know how far out we are?'

'Well, no, but.....wait!', Jake suddenly stopped in the middle of speaking, stopping rowing the boat and staring out in front of him 'What's that, in the distance?'

'What? Where? I can't see anything?!' Lucy said, looking in the direction in which Jake was staring, but not seeing what he was seeing. 

'No, look!- there! See that- over there?' Jake pointed a finger in the direction of where he staring.

The two girl looked harder in the direction in which he was pointing. Then, they could now see what he was looking at. Not too far off in the distance, they could see a green patch of land.

'Oh! I see it! I didn't know that there was another island around here! I thought where we were staying was the only island around these parts for miles!' Lucy exclaimed in surprise.

'I didn't know that there was either! What do you say we go see whats there?' Jake said-more adventurous than the two girls, he was always keen to discover new places.

The two girls looked at him, unsure about whether to venture there-but Jake seemed enthusiastic about it, so they just nodded at him.

So Jake continued rowing their Small boat further and further into the distance, until the island came more and more into their view. 

Eventually, their small rowing boat reached the shore of a island that, from what they could see was surrounded by leafy green trees.

As the boat pulled up on the stony shore, the three of them steeped out of their rowing boat, and checked out their surroundings. 

'What is this place?' Lucy questioned, and knew that they were all wondering the same thing.

'Well, I've no idea, but it looks.....errr........interesting.........'

Someone must have heard their voices, because, just at that moment, a figure emerged from the trees. It was a man, whom was dressed in what looked like a soldiers uniform, complete with the metal helmet that he wore.

For a minute he looked at the three friends, as if trying to decide whether they were a threat, or not. Then the spoke; 'And who might you three be, and how did you come to be here?'

'Well', Jake spoke and gestured to his three friends as he did, 'I'm Jake, and these are my friends, Lucy and Amelia. We were staying on an island near here, and we were out on the boat today, and, well......... I guess we must've got taken out too far, because we ended up here' He explained.

'I see.', The man in the uniform replied ' Well, this here place you have come to is called Rhye. I myself am one of the guards to the white Queen, our beloved Queen who rules this lands.....'

'Rhye?', Lucy questioned, raising an eye brow 'White Queen? I've never heard of such a place as Ryhe before, and I've certainly never heard of there being a Queen here?....'

'Never heard of our Queen?!', The guard replied, shocked. 'She is kind, graceful, and has been such a beloved ruler of our lands for many years. It is my honor to serve her and guard her and our lands here. Apparently, there  is a lot that you don't know about our land here. Ryhe here is home to many wonderful and varied creatures, and our ocean around here strengths on for many miles-infact, we call it 'the seven seas.' Perhaps I could give you all a tour, show you around this land of ours?'The man suggested.

The three friends looked from one to the other. This hadn't been how they had planned to spend their afternoon, and how they had ended up here they could not say. But the man had made them curious about this place that they had found-apparently called Ryhe, and they wanted to find out more.

The three all nodded enthusiastically 'Yes!', Jake said 'we'd love to see this place!'

'Then , dear girls, and sir, come with me and I will show you more............'


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