~Cute/fun Autumn and Halloween things you do together~

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Freddie- Freddie loves any reason for a good party, and the occasion of Halloween is as good reason as any!!! So at his place, he plans and organised a Halloween get together for all your friends-and Freddie has invited them all!! On all the invitations that he had sent out, he insisted that everyone must come turned out in their best Halloween outfits-and made it clear that if they didn't come dressed in their best costume, then they 'couldn't come to the party'!! When the day of October 31st, the day of Halloween-and also the day of the party-rolls around, all your guest would be arriving that evening, so you had helped Freddie decorate the place suitably spookly for the occasion- so you both arranged carved pumpkins, lit lanterns and put up other decorations to really set a good atmosphere of the place. Then there was yourselves to get ready, so you and Freddie were excited to put on your Halloween costumes-you had decided to dress up as a witch, and Freddie?? He had put on a devils costume, and completed the outfit with a pair of red devil horns atop his head!! You both looked great!! Then all your guest started to arrive-and what a fun evening you all had!! Freddie, as ever, was a perfect host, entertaining all your guest with jokes, and everyone stayed up till stayed up till way past midnight, taking turns to see who could scare each other the most by telling each other scary ghost stories!!

Roger-You and Roger enjoy being young and childish at heart-trick or treating may be for the young kids-but you two best friends love to use this occasion of Halloween by dressing up in scary masks-you and Roger always tried to outdo each other by who wore the scariest. And when trick or treaters came round to your house, you two always found it a laugh to scare the little children who came knocking at your door. Before they left though, you would always make sure you gave the kids their treats-after which, you and Roger would always love to share the chocolate and sweets of whatever got left over!!

Brian-Brian always loves the season of autumn and thinks it's a beautiful season-and you have to agree that it is, as well. The golden brown and orange colors of the changing leaves, the long, cosy, evenings-you both really like to make the most of this wonderful season, and so you both love your cosy evenings snuggling in in together and going on long walks together, enjoying the crisp, cool, air and enjoying the scenery of the beauty of the changing leaves falling off the trees.

John- If you two had young kids, then your and Johns kids always get excited for Halloween. They love to get dressed up in their costumes and you and John take them out for a whole evening of trick or treating around your neighbor hood, and think it's really sweet how he gets just as excited over trick or treating as the kids do!! And your house might just be the best decorated house for Halloween in the whole of your town!!!

~The Beatles~

John- John loves the excuse of Halloween to be able to able to play practical jokes on people- and that includes you as well!! He finds it hilarious to see how many times he can make you jump-but you always mange to get him back by giving him a scare or two as well-and when you challenge him to stay up and watch a scary horror movie with you on Halloween night, he could hardly bring himself to watch it-he would never admit that he found it scary, ofcourse, but you could see that he was- just by the scared expression on is face, and the way he kept hiding his face behind a cushion-he was definitely more scared than you were!!

Paul-He likes to plan fun family things for you and your kids to do all as a family together-and he likes to make Halloween a particularly fun time for the kids-loves to help them get dressed up in their Halloween outfits, and will stay with them after bedtime when they insist on him sitting with them after a fun day of an outing to listen to his spooky stories he makes up for them

George-He wanted to try something different with you this year that you two hadn't done together before, so two visit a lovely a leafy apple orchard together and enjoy wandering through the orchard together, and picking the best looking apples to take home with you

Ringo-Loves trying the delicious deserts that you bake-including your apple pies, pumpkin pies, which you two love to enjoy warm together-complete with your favorite topping-custard.



                                                         ~HAPPY HALLOWEEN :ddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

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