Chapter 3: Planning

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He shoves me back with such force that I almost hit the wall, but I catch myself before such embarrassment can occur. I look in his eyes and I see them flash with rage and disgust.

"What the actual fuck?!" He yells at me as I cower down at his tone. I fight to find the right words to explain my straight forward and outgoing actions. I knew exactly why but I couldn't just tell him that I had a huge crush on him.

"I um-uh..." I started and stuttered as as my tongue tripped over the words that would normally come out easily, people have this effect on me when they get upset. They make me nervous, extremely unsure of myself just like when it happened with my father. It usually led to the beating...

"You need to leave. I want you gone. Out of my house. Out of my sight and as far away from me as possible." He raises his hand as if he is going to hit me, causing me to cower further in on myself as the memories all flood back. Tumbling over each other, all demanding my attention and calling out for me not to show emotion as it is considered a sign of extreme weakness to them. He seems to recognize the cowering and pained expression that passes across my face at the hand that could come down upon me at any minute because he lowers said hand slowly as if he was scared that any sudden movements may cause me to break. Deciding instead to grab my wrist, he drags me to the front door and onto the porch before walking back in and locking the door behind himself.

Sighing loudly and extremely disappointed in myself, I walk back to my house sadly. To the place where my no-longer caring mother resides. The place my father (also Frank) left us alone 2 years ago on my birthday. Best present I ever received from the horrid man. The same man that not only left me with physical damage that have now turned into dark and ugly scars but also allowed the mental scars to form as his torture continued. Adding to the burns that line my arms, torso and legs, is the mental fear that occurs when anyone raises an arm to me or speaks loudly. It isn't fun living in constant fear of all people, including the ones you learn to love and care about deeply, hurting you.

But, as always, I digress. This isn't and should never be all about me.

I get home quickly and go straight to my room and close the curtains on my window, hoping that it may allow me to forget about what sadly and frustratingly happened with the lovely man that is called by all, Gerard. But he just won't and probably never will leave my head. I need him to be mine, and I need him to need me. Its just, well, a need. I don't know why but it is just as strong as a need for water or food.

Not knowing how to make any of this happen, I sit in my bed thinking. Running through ideas in my head and settling for the hardest idea I had. But it is the mostly likely to work but also the most illegal. I realize that it would result in around 15 years in jail but I'm willing to take that risk for this man.

I have to run away for the horrid place I've known as home for 9 years. Since the beating started, since my father started drinking. Oh but I'm not going alone, I'm taking Gerard with me. Whether he wants to or not.

I'm going to need help though, and of course that's where Pete comes in. He's a long time friend and literal 'partner in crime'. My father... wait no, my tormenter (that's better) never liked Mr. Wentz because even when I met him 3 years ago he had tattoos smoked and drank. My tormenter never cared much but he hated Pete with a passion cause the kid would actually stand up for me. Even to him. We actually have a lot in common, even though he's almost 3 years older than me, we like the same bands, we both drink (me to forget, him just for fun but it's still drinking all the same), smoke and now both have a shit load of tattoos. But he doesn't have any piercings. Although my criminal record is slightly shorter than Pete's, which is only because I started late and am younger, he still treats me like I'm a friend who could be the shit out of him. He'd do almost anything for me so I'm hoping this doesn't reach that almost category or I might have to call Bob or Bert which I really don't want to do cause I know both would pick on me the entire time cause 'I'm not able to pull off a simple kidnap by myself'.

I decide to put mostly everything together tomorrow and attempt to pull it off the next night. But I know I need to ask Pete if he's in today, he may be reluctant or excited for it or he may just flat out say 'no way man'. I honestly never know with Pete. Taking this into account I think it would be better to meet him at the park instead of telling him over the phone. So I text him.

Me: Meet me at the park, next to our tree

And now I wa- ding!

Pete: Mmkay. What for though?

Me: I need your help with something important.

Pete: K. Be there in 15.

I nod as if he could see me and run to get ready. I get there and Pete is already sitting under the almost nonexistent shade cast down by tree. I walk up and plop down next to, shortish but slightly taller than me, man.

He looks at the nonexistent watch on his wrist and says "You are exactly 3 minutes late Mr. Iero. I almost thought you weren't coming. How do you ever expect to get a job with these punctuality issues?"

I role my eyes at him and said "I seriously need your help. Its pretty bad though. Either of us or both could go to jail for like at least 15 years."

"Hmm sounds interesting. Continue?"

"I want to kidnap someone." I say as the smirk on his face turns into a Cheshire Cat grin.

"Holy fuck dude!! I feel like were planning a jewel heist! I'll get to knock someone out but instead of stealing a jewel we steal him!! Holy fuck, I'm in dude. I'm definitely in." He yells as he dances around the scraggly tree we have come to know as our own.

"Pete...." I sigh. "You aren't knocking anyone out. I really like thus guy ok? Don't punch him unconscious please?"

"Fine. So how exactly are we gonna subdue Mr. Uncooperative? Huh?" He asks with a fake pout.

"I'm not sure... I was gonna leave that to you... but no beatings." I say vaguely nervous.

"Ok. I'll manage. When is this happening?"

"Thursday at midnight. Be at my house. We should probably go now. It's getting dark." I say and he nods and turns toward his house. I turn and walk to mine smiling to myself glad that Pete had my back with this. Glad to have a great friend like him and glad that I'll finally have Gerard where I want him.

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