Chapter 41: Lost But Not Found

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Lia James

"Well, look who's up bright and early." Alex smiles at me, while I entered the kitchen. I was wearing teal spandex leggings and a plain black t-shirt with black sneakers, my go-to exercise outfit.

"Yeah, I guess that's a first, huh." I took a banana from the basket on the island counter. Alex was making pancakes for breakfast, I presumed, watching her drizzle batter into a pan.

"What's the reason? Is your back bothering you?"

"No, actually, it's better now. But it does have something to do with my back." I pause. "I don't know, I just think I'm a little weak because of what happened last night. I want to be ready in case there is another 'Bitch Attack'." I make air quotes, and Alex is laughing to herself.

"Fair enough." She smiles. "So, what's with the sporty outfit? Going for a run or something?"

"Yes, actually. I needed to cool off some steam since I have a double header in softball coming up. We're undefeated so far, and I want it to stay that way so that we can go to the championship."

"Oh yeah, I remembering you mentioning that. What time is that again?"

"It starts at 7. We're doing an 'Under The Lights' game. It's actually pretty cool. You should come, and bring—never mind."

"Well, that's just awkward." She laughs. "But they'll come around."

"You keep saying that, Aunt Alex, and the more they ignore me, the more I start to lose hope. I've come pretty close to just giving up."

"Don't give up!" She raises her voice. "I'm positive Benjamin James did not raise a quitter. He raised a winner, and so did you're Mom."

"I'm sure that doesn't apply in this situation." I grabbed my car keys. I was thinking of going for a run, but I might as well just go to the gym. I need to let off some steam from all the stress about my life. And kickboxing is just the way to do it.

"Don't lose faith, Lia. Everything works out the way it's supposed to." She said before I walked out the door with a nod.

I played with my car keys on my way to my car, just thinking about life. Because that's what a normal teenager should do on a regular basis. Think about life.

I should be thinking about where the next party is going to be, if I got an A on my test or quiz, if my boyfriend is going to take me on a date. Not think about how some guy, who I have feelings for, owns a gun and drug deals with his San Diego street gang on the daily. And how my best friends hated me because I stabbed them in the back.

Everything is just so complicated, and so feel so clustered carrying around all these thoughts and emotions. I feel like I'm going to break either sooner or later.

"Hey, beautiful, need a ride?" I heard a voice say over toward the street.

I turned quickly, and almost did a double take at who it was. I thought at first it was Ian, my boyfriend, but I had to take a closer look.

Andrew mother freaking Price.

He was standing by my driveway, by his motorcycle, offering me a ride when he's been gone for more than a month now. He slung his leather jacket on his shoulder, and stood there clad in a white T-shirt and black ripped jeans. His hair was slicked back, standing on his head, and he covered his beautiful chocolate brown eyes with a pair of aviators.

He was here. He was fucking here, and I felt so giddy and excited.

My heart danced, leaped, whatever other synonyms there are. But most of all, my heart was happy.

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