C H A P T E R 26

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Tris POV

Hunter and Mickey giggled as they smashed two toys against the floor in a playful way. We are now on the play date. Everyone is here. By everyone I mean the gang and our sons/daughters. Wow I can't believe we all have our babies now. It seems like I met them yesterday. I smile. Gus is building up some Legos with Mickey's and hunter's help. I wouldn't say they're helping Gus that much because all they're doing is grabbing pieces and tapping them against the ground.

Mickey then accidentally hits his little fingers against the hard floor and begins crying. I stand up and pick him up while checking his fingers. There's a little cut from the Lego block and there is blood coming out. It's not that much, but he still needs a bandage. Oh my son's first accident. Haha, not funny.

"Is he okay?" Tobias asked as he sat next to me. He grabbed Mickey's hand and examined it

"Yeah just a red finger, small cut. He's tough" I said and Tobias smiled while kissing Mickey's red finger. We then went to the kitchen and put a bandage on him. After that we all made lunch and fed the babies.


Tobias and I are on my dad's house because my mom called us. After we told her about our engagement she said she would take care of everything, which it isn't a bad idea since she's a professional designer. She also has good taste in weddings since she spent most of her time watching David Tutera in 'My Fair Wedding'.

Evan is upstairs sleeping. My parents made a room for him and he has his own crib, toys and baby stuff.

"Okay who do you want to invite?" my mom asked us.

"Umm your family I guess" Tobias said and I glared at him. He sighed "our family" he corrected and I smiled. I told Tobias to always say 'our family' when we were talking about my side of the family since, well you know..

Tobias rolled his eyes playfully and I chuckled before naming off names.

"Okay all set, but we need a date" my mom said.

"Four months, on August 23" he said. I smiled at that because that's the day Tobias and I met. My mom nodded and then left to prepare the wedding. I then heard giggles coming from the baby monitor and when I looked at the small screen I saw that Evan was fully awake and he was moving his legs and arms around

"He's awake" I said and stood up. I went upstairs and picked up Mickey from his crib "hello there Mickey" I said and grabbed his Mickey Mouse stuffed toy that Uriah gave him. I walk downstairs and sit next to Tobias while playing with Mickey.

"Smile" Tobias murmured and held his phone in front of us "Mickey look up" I said and pointed at the camera. Mickey looked up for a split of a second but that was enough for time for Tobias to flash the picture "aww" I said when I took a look.

Tobias then posted the picture on Twitter and Instagram 'my perfect family <3' I read the captions. A lot of people liked the pic and comment nice things like

'You guys are the perfect couple, little Evan (Mickey :p) is perfect' I smiled and followed the person that commented that.

'Mickey :D <3 #PerfectFamily'

There were also hate comments that made me want to rip their head off.

'Ew that baby is not even pretty. He's gonna be as gay as his dad'

"Hey! I'm not gay!" Tobias exclaimed as he read the comment and I rolled my eyes. Why do they have to comment things like this? I mean first of all as far as I'm concerned my son is not gay, and second of all he's just a baby. He's two months old. I groaned.

"It's fine, don't listen to them. Evan is perfect. Let's just enjoy the times we have with him and forget about everything else" Tobias said as he grabbed both his and my phone, and putted them away. I nodded and put Evan on my lap so he was sitting facing Tobias.

"Peek a boo, I see you" Tobias said in a cute baby voice and made a funny face. Mickey giggled loudly and made an attempt to clap his hands but his arms went in different directions. Tobias and I chuckled at his cuteness. We then played the rest of the day with our son.

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