C H A P T E R 27

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Tobias POV

I was now getting ready to go in an interview. They were most likely going to ask me about Mickey and my engagement. I mean that's all over the news now. Drew waved his hand up in the air indicating that I had to go in now. I was face timing with Tris and Mickey.

"Bye Mickey, I love you" I said in a baby's and waved my hand. Mickey mumbled intelligible words and waved. We taught him that. I smiled and looked at Tris "bye princess, love you" I said and smiled at her warmly. Tris smiled "I love you too, bye Toby" she murmured and I ended the call. I really liked it when she called me Toby. It was kind of cute.

After putting my phone in my pocket I walked in the room and sat on a chair in front of the interviewer.

"In five, four, three, two" the man behind the camera mouths one and puts his index finger up indicating we are now alive.

"Hello everybody, this Angelica Johnson and this is CCY. Today we have a very special guest. Future husband and now father, please welcome Four Eaton" she said and I heard claps and squeals from the crowd. I smiled and waved my hand around. When the noise died out, Angelica turned and held up a tablet.

"So Four, we've all heard there's a new addition to the Eaton Prior family, would you like to tell us about it" she said and I nodded while getting comfortable in the red sofa.

"Well yeah, there's a new addition and that's my amazing son, Mickey. Well his name is Evan but we call him Mickey" I explained and chuckled

"Why is that?"

"Well Evan loves to watch Mickey Mouse so Tris came up with the nickname and I actually liked it so it's Mickey now" I said.

"So there's been some haters sending hate towards Mickey and your family, his do you feel about that?" Angelica proceeded

"How do I feel about that? well.. it makes me really sick. People are saying stuff like 'oh Evan is hideous' or 'Evan is gay' and that really pisses me off because first of all he's my son and second of all, just in case you people haven't noticed. He's a baby. Two and half moths old baby" I said trying not to shout at the camera.

"So you're saying that if he was gay you wouldn't like him?" Angelica said confused. And that's how rumors start. They get everything wrong.

"No of course not, if Mickey was gay. Which he's not, he's still a baby. But if he was I would just accept him for who he is. That's what every parents should do. Protect and support their children, not treat them like a bunch of freaks" I said "look, honestly I don't even know why we are talking about that since Mickey is not even a year old. His life has just begun so let's just drop it"

Angelica nodded and continued with the interview "so how do you feel about your engagement"

"I'm really excited" I said blushing a little "Tris means everything to me and I just thought that now that Mickey is with us we should officially be a married couple" I said smiling proudly. The interview continued until it was 5pm.


"Tris, I'm home baby" I said as I stepped inside. I chuckled because I used to imagine myself getting home from hard work, dropping off papers and a brief case. Instead I'm coming from an interview. Tris comes from the living room smiling. She jumps on my arms and hugs me. I chuckled and hug her back strongly.

" I watched the interview" she murmured and I nodded my head while pulling back and kissing her forehead "good, now where's my little boy?" I asked

"Taking his nap" she answered smiling "come on, let's go and check on him" she said and we went upstairs to Mickeys room.

He was laying in the crib into a deep, what it seemed like a dreamless sleep. I smiled and bent to look at him. I then stroked his face and realized that he was kind of burning up. I then placed my palm on his forehead. Yep, definitely a fever.

"Baby I think Mickey has a fever" I said while looking back at Tris. She furrowed her eyebrows and touched his forehead gently "it's high" she says showing her concerned. Tris picked him up as gently as possible and rocked him

"Let's go get him checked out" I murmured and Tris nodded agreeing. We went downstairs, grabbed some of Mickey's stuff and went out to the car. We hopped in and I drove to a hospital.


"It's a cold, but if you don't take care of him properly then it could get way worse" the doctor explained as he lifted up Mickey and handed him back to Tris. Mickey coughed softly and his little nose was red. Tris kissed his forehead and stroked the back of his head soothingly.

"He has to take this medicine. It's for babies under the age of one. Just give it to him once a day and he'll be fine" the man said and gave me a bottle that had red liquid inside. I nodded and the man smiled at me "that's all, this little guy is good to go" he said and I shook his head "thanks" I said and he nodded

"Just doing my job" the doctor grinned. Tris and I walked out and paid.


Tris POV

Tobias was making dinner for Mickey and I. Baby food for Mickey and steak for them. I had Mickey on my lap and I was now breast feeding him. Mickey then pulled back and licked his lips cutely. I put my shirt back up and wiped Mickey's mouth.

"My wittle baby is so cute" I said and kissed his forehead. Evan giggled and I joined him. His fever had gone down a little but he still coughed once in a while.

"Tris baby! dinner is ready" I heard Tobias yelling from the kitchen which made Mickey jump a little. I giggled at his cute scared expression and kissed the top of his head while standing up with him on my arms "it's okay, daddy doesn't bite" I said and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey how's he holding up?" Tobias asked as he placed the plates filled with food and placed Mickey's chair in front of the island. I put Mickey on the chair and sat on my stool

"He's good, tough guy"

"Just like his father" Tobias gushed jokingly and I chuckled. Tobias offered to feed Mickey while I finished my food.

"He's falling asleep" Tobias murmured with a smirk. I turned to see Mickey with his head back and his eyes closing. I giggled silently and Tobias picked him up slowly and gently. Mickey had his head buried in Tobias's neck and Tobias was caressing his back. I smile at my boys and stand up to put the dish away.

"I'm gonna take him upstairs to his room" Tobias whispers. I nod and kiss both of their foreheads. Tobias tiptoes upstairs with Mickey on his hands.

I clean everything up then I head upstairs to my room. When I entered my room I saw Tobias singing to Mickey. I smiled and went to my closet. I change to my regular pjs and brushed my teeth. Minutes later Tobias came out of the room and left the door ajar. We both crawled on the bed and snuggled. He slid his legs between mine and buried my face on his neck smelling his scent.

"Goodnight Toby" I murmured against his skin. Tobias grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead gently "goodnight princess"

I then fell asleep.

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